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They light and the sky.


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Yes, the sky provides a good deal of light, if it's a daytime sky. Skies will light rooms adjacent to them if there are windows or holes present for the light to get through. Also, you don't have to place a lot of light objects in a room to get the room lighted. You can place one single light, and then bring up the entities window and type light in the key field and a number in the value field. This will change the intensity of the light, and it will be shown in Radiant as an increase of the radius around the actual light object. Note that the size of the room will determine how much intensity is needed to make the room look well lit (i.e. the smaller the room the less light is needed).

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The brightness of walls, and all other objects is controlled by the lightmap that is applied to it. And that light map is built using the lights you put into a map. So, if you want a bright wall, put a light entity near it, or a light-emitting shader.


And, when using skies, you have to make sure you apply the actual sky shader, and not just one of the source images. In JK2Radiant, the actual shader will show up with a white border around it. Only use that. Not one of the large sky pictures.

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I've applied the sky shader, and now the sky works... it's bright and everything. But it doesn't light up the rest of the room, everything else is black.


Now it has to be possible to make the sky give of light, or is it?



I just noticed that I get this warning when I compile:

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/skies/kejim


And I'm at a loss...

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You just apply the shader to the ceiling like you would any other texture.


And, some of the skyboxes don't emit light. It's not automatic, it has to be set in the shader. For one reason or another, Raven made some that didn't emit light. Try to find one that does, and make sure you use a compile option that includes the lightstage. (like a fast/full vis, or a re-light if you already compiled the map.)

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Try the artus_light shader if you want a shader that adds light. As Antilles said, make certain you apply the actual shader (and don't worry when it says the texture won't load, that only applies to the editor; it will look fine in the game). If you did it right, all the surfaces that you want to be skies will be blue and black checkered in the editor.

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