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Problem with .bsp

Lord Ender

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OK, I'm noticing that JK2Radiant is Inconsistant. It does something like it's suppose to once, then it doesn't do it anymore. First, I had a problem with trying to get the info_player_spawn to work, then it worked. It works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. NOW, however, I can't convert it to a .bsp It did it with my first little TEST map, but I can't get it now. Please, tell me what I'm doing wrong. Oh, and is there a Tutorial with JK2 Radiant, b/c All I've seen so far are Tutorials for Quake stuff.... I know it's Similar, but there are some differences that would matter when trying to learn. Thanks in Advance.


King of the Sith,


Lord Ender

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In order to get the map to consistantly compile to a BSP you have to save the map project in your "gamedata\base\maps" directory. I learned this the hard way after several bouts of trial and error. However, occasionaly you may have to resave the map under a different name. After several revisions of my map, the compiling process wouldnt overwrite the bsp to reflect my changes anymore. So by saving under a different name, it would compile a new bsp with my most recent version.

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