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I just read that good post about saber fighting. I must say that I don't use a saber (flame away) i'm an old school Duke Nukem, SOF, etc player so I have become acustom to using ranged weapons. What I was wondering is two fold. One what are the different stances. I know that standing there is one or maybe that is the weak one but what about medium and strong. And the other ? was when ppl say forward plus jump and attack is there one that is before the other etc are the jump and attack at the same time etc. Thanks for the help.

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If you don't wish to look at your manual then here are the stances, I'm not gonna express any opinion on which is best and just give you the facts:


Light Stance (Blue on Indicator)- This fighting style is the fastest, it does less damage to the opononent and is fairly blockable, however it's speed gives you an advantage over the strong stance, especially after the downward slash, or a roll, etc. because you'll have a good chance of getting a clear shot while they're getting back up etc. Experiment with it, see if it suits you, there is no all-godly stance, you might be a saber god with light or a saber god with medium and strong, or all of them.


Medium Stance (Yellow on Indicator)- This fighting style is the medium speed, with a fairly good amount of damage on clear shots, it is less blockable, and this style is the artistic style. In this one you can show off your skills and look cool with the saber. It is also good against the strong stance. Once again experiment with it, it might be good.


Strong Stance (Red on Indicator)- This fighting style is the slowest of them all and requires a considerable amount of timing skills, it is a killer on a perfect hit, and does the most damage. However the downpoint includes: slowness, more vulnerability after and during tactics, for example when you have your hand in the air with forward+lookup+attack while your hand is up in the air you can get hit on the bottom any day. This attack also has the most range.


Also you can make your attacks faster (with less range) or slower (with more range) with any stance by swinging from left (faster) or right (slower) I believe.

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Actually Kuroshi the quick reading of the manual did not answer my ?'s that is why I posted it. Thanks Darth for the answer but actually what I needed to know is how do you do those moves. I mean up arrow and attack is basic right. Whats the more powerful one etc. Thanks again.




(Clark W Griswald) on servers

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Yeah I read that one just alittle confused on it. Jump and forward while attacking was hard to visualize. Kinda reminds me of ths old Arcade streetfighter when you had someone like Ken or Ryu and you had to do a half circle with the joystick and then you had to time one button and then another to get a super fireball.

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If Darth, the manual, and the saber post can't help you, I'm not really sure what to say. Start a LAN server for just yourself and play around with the saber for awhile and you'll figure it out. For example, when on the light stance, crouch first, then press forward and attack at the same time. There's the light stance special.

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