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Help! I need a little SP Jedi Outcast guidance...

Thrown Saber

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I've just made it into Reelo's place. I have ran inside that large garbage crusher and have come out the other side safely. Then, I made my way to the verrrrrry big room that has all those towers of crates in it, and the seemingly bottomless pit. I force-jumped across, and I have made it to the other side. Then I walked along the high pathway, but I'm stuck from there. I have been to the other side of that tunnel with those two carts you can Force-push, but it's a dead end. Please help me! :(

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You have to Force pull the one in that room, then go back into the main room (with all of the compactors) and go through a door, lets say where you come into that room (after you've Force pushed the cart) is in the southwestern corner...well the door would be in the middle of the north wall. You go into this room with tall crates and a glass wall and if you go into the back of the room (to the west as we have it) there is a crate you can force pull. Once you go in there you'll gewt to the other side of that cart system, and you can force push it out of the way and go through! =)

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Uh... that explanation confused the hell out of me, and I've already been through the whole game twice! The basic gist is this: After you go through the big room with all the crates and the bottomless pit, you found a cart. Force pull it as far as you can. Then go back around to the other side and push the cart there. It should expose a doorway you can go through.

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OK Carl, explain to him how to get around to the other side, and in a better way than I did, I'm sure it's possible, I'm not the smartest cat around, but your explanation was rather vague. At least I was willing to commit some genuine thought to the matter instead of tossing off the quickest explanation possible.

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Now Vestril, grammar is your friend.



Stay after posting and type:


"I abhor run on sentences" 50 times please.


(and no cut and pasting!)



(And incidentally, I agree with Carl, your explanation WAS a bit confusing. BUT, kudos for trying to help out a fellow gamer anyway)


(And in further defense of Vestril, his advice was very accurate)

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