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probably a dumb question re mp hosting

Ike Vandergraaf

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Well, I'm obviously missing something. I've really been enjoying light saber duels, but I can't seem to host or create an online game. There seem to be a bunch of options that I'm missing. Like for instance, nowhere on the create game screen does it allow me to enter my connection type. And I can't access force powers in a mp game, even if they're enabled. And I hear all this stuff about selecting force powers and levels before the game; where does that happen? And no one ever joins my games, leading me to believe that I can't be seen. Obviously I'm missing something. If someone would let me know what, I'd appreciate it.



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Actually that's not a dumb question at all.


What type of connection do you have? If it's a dialup modem no one probably is gonna see your server. To select your force powers press ESCAPE and then click on player. (I too missed the force config the first few times I played) when force is enabled look on the player menu for "CONFIGURE FORCE POWERS" click that, to select your force, click on the bubbles that appear there.

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Max rate by default and recommended is to be set to 8,000. However you may need to raise it a bit in some occasions.


Also since you have a good connection your servers then should be showing up. My friend it's not very easy getting costumers on your servers, and many times you'll end up with maybe 1 player coming on your server in an entire week :D...my advice would be to stop wasting your time and get on JK2 find a server which suits your needs and enjoy the game.

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