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What are all these unused animations.......


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Sorry if this is a repeat, but i have come across many unused models in the JK II directory. Most of them are aerobatic manuvers, and i dont remember seeing kyle use any of them in SP, or MP. There are some pretty cool looking ones, like a one handed cartwheel (from the Matrix :cool: ), and one where kyle jumps, twirls in the air three times, then lands with a downward slash. There is also one where he jumps and does a circle (think its a butterfly :confused: ). Can anyone make those animations work in MP? Cause thatd be sooooo cool to one hand cartwheel past a door and nail someone with a rocket while ur upside down :D

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they are 'official' combos or moves but speaking from someone wh saw those weeks ago and has been trying to do them ever since they are f@#king hard:( ive got aqlot ofthe moves combos down just i cant seem to do the cartwheels and trippy flips that they can apparently do ahh weel:(

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Hey guys, lemme put it down forya:


In Assets0.pk3 in models\players\_humanoid\ theres a file named "animation.cfg" wich contains all the animation for ALL models (humanoid) in the game. Be it a flip, saberslash or a NPC having a drink.




BOTH_A2_STABBACK1 76 41 -1 30


this line calls the move when u do a 2 handed samurai backstabbingmove. Stomach piercing a bad guy behind ya.


So the 1st name is the simply the name.

Second value (76) is where in "_humanoid.gla" the game should start, at what animationframe that is.

Third Value (41) is how many frames the animation contains.

Fourth Value (-1). Well I havent really figured this 1 out yet but its not important.

Fifth Value (30) is the Framespeed the specific animation uses.


Ok then, how to get those cool "get up of the floor á la Neo/Matrix in subway fight spin and land on your feet" and flippin cartwheels u simply have to change a few of the lines in the animation file.


Ill show ya;


extract the animation.cfg file from Assets0.pk3 models\players\_humanoid\ to a temp directory of your choice.

Open it with and text editor of your choice then have a look at it, its kinda large:




BOTH_ROLL_F 10490 30 -1 30

BOTH_ROLL_L 10520 27 -1 30


those 2 lines controls your rolls when u "Run+crouch" in game.


Now lets find some really nice spinflippin moves;


BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FL1 1112 56 -1 20

BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FR1 1168 56 -1 20


Heres 2 of my favorites. Many of the Jedi NPC's use them in battle but not meant for players obviously since Ive been trying to do them forever.

So how do we make em happen?

Well, you swap the values:


BOTH_ROLL_L ---- Value with the values from:



So the new line in animation.cfg would be changed from;


BOTH_ROLL_L 10520 27 -1 30


BOTH_ROLL_L 1112 56 -1 20


See what I just did?

I told the BOTH_ROLL_L animation to start at another Frame in "_humanoid.gla".

So now when u do a Strafe Left + Crouch u will do a cool flipspin.


Easy enough u say...

Well, not really.The animations are timed with framespeed according to what move you make using your controls. If u look closely you will see that our new cool move has a different Framespeed Value attached to it and more frames of animation to it.

If you would try this ingame the animation will prolong it self and keep you moving left as long as the animation lasts. This way u will cover almost half a Imperial Hangar doing this move. Wich is bad if ur on a tight ledge and wanna evade your baddie, u will find yourself flipping out into space.

So what do I do now u ask: I simply change the Framespeed value from 20 to 30 and ......

Not so; if u do and try in game you would move at fast speed when spinnin. Making it look comic fast almost.


What we need to do (and this requires some extensive use of ModView.exe released in the JK2EditingTools) is to "cut" the animation short.


So this is what we do:

This specific animation uses a windup then comes the flipspin then the winddown. In battles u dont have time to windup/down, ur dead if u do, so we simply cut out the windup/down animation by shortening the animation.


So instead of the animation beeing;


BOTH_ROLL_L 1112 56 -1 20


we change it to;


BOTH_ROLL_L 1130 27 -1 24


Now we have cut out the windup/down moves by telling the game to start this specific animation at frame "1130" instead of "1112" and shortened the total animation framecount by telling it to use the animation during "27" frames, that makes the animation stop before the winddown starts and Kyle is back on his feet ready to saber down the ugly guys.We have also added a little framespeed (24 instead of 20) to it so it fits in the animation cyclespeed in fights better.


So if u want the 2 moves done do this;


Extract the "animation.cfg" as explained above, open in a editor like notepad. Find the lines:

BOTH_ROLL_F 10490 30 -1 30

BOTH_ROLL_L 10520 27 -1 30


and change them to:

BOTH_ROLL_L 1130 27 -1 24

BOTH_ROLL_R 1184 27 -1 24


Now repack the file using winzip and name it "whatever".pk3 (no quotes) and then fire up the game =)))

This also works in MultiPlayer but unless your mates ur fighting with doesnt have these modifications they wont see your animation, they will only see the the original groundrolls.

Moves that executes these 2 flips:

Strafe Left+Crouch.

Strafe Right+Crouch.


Ok I dont know if I can post the file here or what since I mainly answer questions and not make mods for the masses.

But Ill be happy to help you out by emailing whoever wants a premade *.pk3 of the moves explained in this post so mail me at shoni@home.se or send me a message in the forum and Ill send u the file =)


Take care, hope I helped abit.



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