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a recommendation to ppl who use bots


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Yeah, but if you can play MP, bot matches are better for training, since the SP game is so vastly different in so many ways.


I agree that the duels in SP are very cool, but then there's the temptation to quicksave, and the fact that humans are infinitely more unpredictable (and humorous) in games. ; )

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Have you guys tried the sp map called Ladder? It's bloody fantastic, it's just wave after endless wave of reborns, they get harder as they go up. It's more fun than a monkey with brass balls. You can also use cheats to spawn in luke and others to fight by your side. The arena that you fight in is frigging cool too. Anywho, i'm gonna go play some right now.

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my experience of the bots in sabers and much more so in guns has been that no ai can even come close to that of even an average player =/


for me, online play is the only way, and my lag is too great to play. so i am "relegated" to playing ut, which i enjoy much more than jk2 =)

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Yup, good point Zonkybro. I mostly player Ladder now too. I find the single player duels to be so much more fun then the multiplayer. The bots were a complete let down for me, so I play single player and spawn npc by typing in "npc spawn luke" and all those other great characters. If only we could spawn third party skins like maul and others.

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