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n00b Question about Models and .md3 files


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I've created a small map and added a gun emplacement and an ammo power converter, but when I run the map I see a blue line hovering in the air for one and a red/green/and blue set of lines for the other model, what's the deal?


Also when I right click in the wireframe menu and select Misc/misc_model a window appears looking for a .md3 file, did Raven give us any of these files (I did a hard drive search)


My systems specs are:


Operating sys WinXP


MB ram 512

Nvidia Geforce 2 (64MB card)


thx in advance to any1 who can help me.

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The models that the misc_model entity requires are in the assets0.pk3 file. Just run winzip to unzip that file (it will take a long time). Once it's unzipped, look in the models directory. The md3 files will be in there along with their textures. In order to use a model you'll have to put it in a directory that you create (it's best to name the directory after your level) under base/models/. If you get an error box when selecting an md3 file, what you have to do is hit N to bring up the entities window, and in the value field for the model key delete all the path info BEFORE the models directory. So, if your model is in C:/programs/jedioutcast/base/models/yourlevel/model.md3, use only models/yourlevel/model.md3 in the value field. Then save your map and quit Radiant, and then start it up again, and the model should load.

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