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Force Powers Jedi Test Level


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Im stuck on the final Jedi Test. I can not get to the lightsaber before the cage covers it. Ive tried stepping on the collapsing lever and then force running to the saber but I never make it in time. Ive also tried stepping on the collapsing lever and the force running and force jumping this seems to get me to the cage faster but still not before the cage covers the saber. I have also tried crouching after force running and jumping and still can not get to the lightsaber before the cage covers it! HELP!!!

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Make sure you are in first person POV so you can aim better.


Stand on the stone that raises the cage. Wait until the stone hits the bottom (stops moving). Hit force speed and dash towards the cage. Along the way, while running foward. Press and hold down force pull.


This may take several tries.

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