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Skeleton Issues


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How do I change kyle's sketeton in SP? I tried switching the Jedi model.glm (with my skin on it) directly with kyle's model.glm. Of course, this didn't work. The saber was in the left hand of the model when I started the game up.


I've had good luck getting my SP mod (yes, my first for JO) working so far, and I even have the skin ready on the Jedi model. This darned skeleton issue is holding me up! Please help!

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Oki buddy.

I know its great to be able to do things on your own as it feels like u achieved something.


So then: advise:

If I understood u correctly you want to use the Jedi Model with your skin as Kyle?


If so u need to do the following;


In Assets0.pk3 theres a folder called /ext_data/ with a file called "npcs.cfg".

Open up that file in Notepad for ex and scroll down to;





fullName "Katarn, Kyle"

playerModel kyle

saberColor blue

reactions 4

aim 5

move 3

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

playerTeam player

// race human

class kyle

snd munro





fullName "Katarn, Kyle"

playerModel kyle

saberColor blue

reactions 4

aim 5

move 3

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

playerTeam player

// race human

class kyle

snd kyle

sndcombat kyle

sndjedi kyle

dismemberProbHead 1

dismemberProbArms 1

dismemberProbHands 20

dismemberProbLegs 1

dismemberProbWaist 1





Now u need to change the playerModel value from "kyle" to "jedi".

on both places the file calles for playerModel "kyle"


Then remove all original "kyle" material in folder models\players\kyle\ except for the "animsounds.cfg" file.

Then put your own files in it including the model file "model.glm" from the Jedi directory as Im assuming u are talking about that model.


Open "model_default.skin" and make sure all the paths in it that points to your skinfiles matches the "kyle" folder path (models/players/kyle/torso.jpg etc)


the make a pk3 and fire up SP, but as I expect you know u cant use these new adjustments on a presaved file in the game as it will missplace stuff on the model as its colliding with previously saved info in the game. U will have to start a new game or consolstart the map ur currently on; ex. map bespin_undercity.


I hope this helps and good luck =)



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