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JK Episode 1 duel map to JO?


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There was this kickass multiplayer JK1 map that had recreated the giant room in Episode 1 where Obi-Wan & Qui-Gonn fought Darth Maul. Some of you probably remember what I'm talking about. If not, I could probably even send you the map if it's still on my hard drive.


In any case, how hard would it be to convert this to JO with the textures looking all nice and everything? I've seen that there is the "JKLImport" map converter, but the JK textures make the maps look like crap from what I've seen.


I'm not big on programming/modelling or any of that stuff, so someone here would have to do it for me (and everyone else :))


Is this a huge task or could it be done with relative ease? Because this would make the bomb-ass JO multiplayer map (along with that Cloud City one. WOW!)

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