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Doors doors doors. How do you do them?


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Make the brush that you want to be your door, texture it however you like, and with the entire brush selected, right click, and select func_door from the menu. Then hit N to bring up the entities window, and use the angle keys at the bottom to select which direction you want the door to open. That's it. The door will automatically scale the distance it needs to go, and it will open when you come near it.

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Well, making the door the same size as the doorway goes without saying, otherwise you wouldn't need the door, would you? As for it not opening, make sure angle is set (-1 for up, if I remember correctly - if you hit the up button it will automatically do this). Also, make sure there are no flags set. Certain flags like toggle will set the door to only open when triggered, so using or walking near the door won't open it. Otherwise, yeah I'm sure it works. To verify, when the angle is set, you'll see an arrow within the door in the editing pane. So, unless the door is outlined in a color other than black with func_door somewhere near it, and with an arrow inside it, it won't open.

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thats all well and good but how the smeg do u make the door make a noise while its moving?


i got a door (well..ok its actually an elevator but it uses the door_func) and it moves a very long way so that the noise that i set to play when it is activated stops before the door (elevator) does


any ideas?



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I also have that problem too. Despite the fact I don't have a list of the used sounds in the game, they don't seem to work when I assign them to an object's function.


Nts nts nts, all these problems really slow you down.

How the sith do you guys ever understand all this?

Something tells me you guys have been at this for a llloooonnngg time!


Thanks for the time anyway!

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What's the story with those?


I was browsing through the "Kejim_Post" level in J2KRadiant, thats some complicated stuff.


The elevator's got like these yellow lines coming out of it (to represent it's movement when the command was given.)


The button has just got a "target box" around it, so when you press it, you're really tapping the "use" button in that area, initiating the elevator's movement.


Don't ask me how to do it though, I thought I'd just give you guys that info just incase.


-Reelo :)

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Sounds require the key soundset. For the value try impdoor1. Elevators can be done three different ways. The big cargo elevators in the kejim map use icarus scripts, which we don't have access to, so those don't serve as the best examples. However, an elevator can be made using either the func_door or the func_plat entities. Func_plats are one way elevators only (usually up) meaning that they'll move up when you step on them from the lower position, but when you try to come back down you just have to drop. These need to be made in the raised position for lighting purposes. If you want an elevator with call buttons, however, you have to use the func_door entity. To set the height of the elevator, use the lip key. Also, make sure you set your angle to denote the direction the elevator is moving (up or down). If your elevator is going up (meaning you're drawing it in the lowered position), the lip must be negative. Also, it's a good idea to add a delay and a wait of a couple seconds each. The elevator should then wait a second while you actually get on before it takes off (since it's a door, it's triggered when you come near, not when you step on it). For actual call buttons, use the trigger_multiple entity, making sure the link arrows go from the trigger to the elevator. Otherwise the game will think the elevator is the trigger and nothing will happen.

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