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Originally posted by RiverWalker

for goodness sakes play the single player through first, even though there are differences in saber combat in SP and MP, its still good to get used to the game and weapons. force too.


I played MP first , went straight onto the servers and learnt THE hard way , then played SP days later. To be honest i dont like SP games that much ,just something about the MP , just picturing the guy you have beat on Dueling , with him screaming at his/her screen and smashing his mouse does it for me


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Originally posted by Darth Seph


I played MP first , went straight onto the servers and learnt THE hard way , then played SP days later. To be honest i dont like SP games that much ,just something about the MP , just picturing the guy you have beat on Dueling , with him screaming at his/her screen and smashing his mouse does it for me



hehe...yeah, i looked at SP a little, but for some reason i like killing stuff that isnt scripted AI...somehow it is more fun to me (or getting killed by it, lol):D

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Oh but u can't deny the thrill of putting g_saberrealisticcombat on and cutting down swathes of stormtroopers into little pieces :evil1:

Yea, I started MP and I haven't actually tried SP yet, I let my bro do that :)

I learned the hard way quickly and I think it has worked v. well for me :D I is a quick learn0r

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SP isnt about learning at all, nor is it really supposed to be.

SP is cool because it is an adventure and a well told one at that.

It really has a great Star Wars atmosphere and makes you feel like you are a part of it.


It is one of the contributing factors of why I love this game so much. Not many games out there have a great MP *AND* SP experience.


For those of you who havent tried SP yet, and do enjoy adventures, do give it a try. It does take a while to find the saber, so give it time. If you dont enjoy SP games period, this one probably wont change your mind so happy fragging to you.



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