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bsp or pk?


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Lets say your map is named "map1.bsp"


Then do this:


make a folder named "maps", put your map1.bsp in it, compress this folder using winzip and when winzip asks for pathname and file name name it map1.pk3 <<<Important.


U should now have a file called map1.pk3 where ever u choosed to compress it.


Place it in JK2s /base/ directory then start single playergame


Open console by pressing "shift+~" or whatever u bound the console command to.

Type "map map1" (without quotes) then your map will load up =)



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don't do that, every time you want to test your map you need t zip it.


place your bspfile in base/maps. Normally it should already there if you compiled correctly and you put your map editor settings corretly.


now launch jk2, open the console with shift+~ and type:

sv_pure 0

map yourmapname


and it should load.


I use a batfile, located at the same location as jk2mp.exe that contains


jk2mp.exe +set sv_pure 0 +devmap duel_wls2


that way jk2 loads my map immediately.

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Sweet Unicorn.

As I dont make maps at all I actually didnt know that.

Well u learn a new stuff everyday =)


Does the same rule apply to other files? Like when trying out a mod I just made.

Like if I want to try a new skin, can I place it like the directory structure shows only in base dir using folders without zipping it into pk3 then use sv_pure 0 to use them as normal mods?


That would be really usefull since endless zipping is kinda dull when u try a mod out like 10 times =)

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