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I wish MP grip was more like SP grip.

Ten Tigers

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I am really kinda disapointed with the multiplayer version of grip.


First gripe is the range. It should be about double what it is now.


My second complaint is the damage. It takes two full doses of grip to kill someone with full health. And a full dose of grip takes too long concidering how relatively easy it is to get out of grip. One round of grip should be enough to kill someone. But to balance this out it should take half your force to do this. A progressive drain like the way speed, and sight work.


My final grievance is the victim animation. I love the way it looks in single player. Multiplayer just doesnt do it any justice. One arm should be free to move and act, but other arm should be busy grasping their throat, while the rest of the body is limp. I hate how the victim crouches in MP. It just doesnt look right.


Anyway, these are the changes I would like to see done to grip. Hopefully someone will make a MP grip mod. That would be sweet IMO.

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Originally posted by arctic_series

so. do you even understand the concept of gameplay ?


obviously not.


Do you even understand the concept of capital letters? Obviously not.


To you, this may not sound like a good idea. But despite your high horse, I do understand the concept of gameplay. In fact, that is why I would like to see grip and a number of other things changed. If you cant break out of a grip in a 5-8 second cycle, then you should bone up on that gameplay of yours.


There is a certain feeling that is lost with the MP version of grip and a lot of other SP attributes.

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Originally posted by Morcavalin

I agree with you on the animation, but not otherwise.

If Grip had double range and more damage it wouldnt be very fun playing online. Grip would get old very fast.


I'd make it either/or. To do both would require changing the properties of the rest of the powers. But as it sits, all grip seems to be good for is throwing people off of edges. That and drain grip combos. :lame:

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yeah and i think everyone who use dark side of the force can type in god and get god mode and fly around with unlimited ammo shooting ppl and killing them in one hit! oh no i didnt use capital letters i hope u dont pick up on that which will contradict everything i have said in my life! oh no!

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Originally posted by [sico]

yeah and i think everyone who use dark side of the force can type in god and get god mode and fly around with unlimited ammo shooting ppl and killing them in one hit! oh no i didnt use capital letters i hope u dont pick up on that which will contradict everything i have said in my life! oh no!


Dude, there are free drug rehab programs ya know...:rolleyes:

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I will also agree with you on the animation but NOT on the increase of power. That would be too powerful. As it is it seems pretty close to what it was in JK1 and also to what the "reality" would be. IE grip basically chokes the victim. Choking is not an instantaneous process. And increasing the range reduces any effectiveness of counters. Now you might be able to restore the balance in the manner you suggest, but I don't think that would be enough of a balance and I still say it seems more "real" this way, so why bother?

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uh, Vader didnt really use grip for much other than playing with non-force users in the movie. You never see anyone using it for anything besides his occasional choking of imperial officers. Not every power is going to be ultra useful you know, so get over it and play the freaking game. JO is plenty more ballanced than JK ever was, so deal with what little imbalance there is and move on with your life.

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Sure is the msot annoying, your running with force speed at the flag bearer and a defender jumps infront and force grips you, you push him away but he just reforce grips you, they never fight, they just grip, you push, the grip again, sure i could use absorb but i prefer the push/pull/speed/jump/heal combo :) .


also if you dont like it because of the animation or somethign stupid like that, just dont use it.

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Guest HertogJan

Grip is just fine, except for the animation... That crouching thing bothers me too! I sure liked the grab-for-throat animation in SP, that you lift them up above your head, MWUHAHAHAHAA!!


But more power - no

More range - no

- More force used - no


I never felt bothered by grip anyway, I use it myself sometimes, to throw people in holes, but mostly for gripping them and slicing them defenseless :D

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Some interesting points.


But if nothing else I still say it is due for a small range increase. Right now it is about 10 feet. up that to maybe 15 or twenty. Hell, Vader could do it from a solar system away. One of the reasons I always liked him so much.


Push, grip, drain, absorb, any explosive weapon, all of these would still be effective in breaking out.


Look at the bright side. At least you cant attack while using grip. Imagine gripping someone then unloading a Stormtrooper Rifle at them with your free hand.

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Originally posted by Chanke4252

uh, Vader didnt really use grip for much other than playing with non-force users in the movie. You never see anyone using it for anything besides his occasional choking of imperial officers. Not every power is going to be ultra useful you know, so get over it and play the freaking game. JO is plenty more ballanced than JK ever was, so deal with what little imbalance there is and move on with your life.


You almost gave a decent response. I was posting an opinion. Stating what I thought could be improved.


If this bothers you then you should take a deep breath and move on with YOUR life.


I swear, people on this site f*cking LIVE for bitching. And if there is nobody bitching to bitch about they will bitch just to read their own bitching.


There, now I'M done bitching. :D


P.S. There were only really two force users in the trilogy. Luke and Darth. Obi Wan died half way through the first movie and Yoda never saw any action. Bad anology. And in ROTJ Luke used grip on the two Grammorian Gaurds in Jabba's palace.

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