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Making name colored...(so sorry to ask again)


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I don't have a link but I cut bits and pieces of the thread and saved them in notepad. Here it is:



^1 - Red

^2 - Green

^3 - Yellow

^4 - Blue

^5 - Cyan

^6 - Purple

^7 - White

^8 - Black


For a shadow:


Suppose you wanted a blue name with a red shadow...

My name, for example, is ArchEvil, which is blue with a red shadow.


It looks like this:




The first ^1 really has no significance, it really could be any number. It just needs to be there. The second ^1 is the shadow color, which would be whatever color you wanted the shadow. Finally, the third one, ^4 in my case, is the color of the actual name. The same color code as above applies to shadows.

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