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Team-Based Damage System


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There will be a sort of TK team-damage system in SOF 2.


A wonderful and inventive idea!


So if a person damages a team mate it goes toward this timer/score setting that will kick a person if they do it too often - so not only if they team-kill but if they damage team mates in general.


Friendly fire is a great way to prevent in-game weapon spam but there is no way to really prevent massive TK's.


Would it be useful for JK2?


This way friendly fire could be implemented in full - as well as in a server rule variables - for team based games and CTF, etc.


Useful to implement or a waste of time?

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hmm interresting.


never noticed this in the mptest, is it in that ver.?


come to think of it theres a lot of cool mp things in sof2 that are not in jkii.

voice chat comes to mind. anyothers? oh yeah, ladders/cables/ropes. can this be put into addon levels, or is it a sof2 thing? i think it would be q3, since rtcw has this too.


hmm, now i wont beable to sleep....:D

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It's being worked on for the full version - inside source.


Yah the voice menu system is nice, but you can always use http://www.teamspeak.net (which I prefer).


There things like voices for each character - and voice spam that you'd have to deal with. I think that'd be alot of work just for a patch - maybe not.


But yah, I really recommend http://www.teamspeak.net you can run a server, it takes very little bandwidth (compared to RW and others), works automatically behind firewalls, and you can bind whispers and channels. And it's .. .... free. :)

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