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Multiplayer problems


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Someone showed me how to set the ram and max fps on jk2 today, but after i changed the ram to 256 and the max frames per second to 200. I also had my current framerate up because I was testing, but anyway I start looking for multiplayer games after I exited the game I was hosting while making the changes and I CAN'T FIND ANY GAMES! Oh god that was a scare!. Anyway I uninstalled the game and deleted all settings and reinstalled and they came back.

I also tried running the dismemberment console commands and no matter what values I entered for both g and cg whether it be 1 to 2000 the game would exit every time someone's head or torso was supposed to fall off but the legs and arms were coming off fine. It's like the I knocked off someones head and someones torso once and then after that it wouldn't work and give me and error saying something was wrong with a file. I set both value to 0 so I don't think that was causing the multiplayer games not to show up.

Also just one other thing, what framerate should I be getting with a geforce 4, athlon 2100, and 512 megs of ram. I have every single video setting turned to the max and kind of feel that I should be getting a better framerate. For example I hosted a game and put 15 bots all different characters at bespin and was only getting a framerate of 30-50.

I don't know if that's good or bad, but would appreciate any input on the stuff I mentioned.



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Usually when I run multiplayer I am running winamp (yeah the jk2 music gets too repetitive sometimes) so maybe that could be part of the framerate I get, but I don't see it hindering my system all that much. Also the O/S I'm using is windows xp pro.

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