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A Quick Q about Skins/Bots


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What's happening people?


I recently downloaded a few skins (Ultimate Darth Maul, Ep.2 Obi-Wan, Count Dooku, and Ep.2 Anakin) all of which have bot support. Now i can choose these skins for myself no problem.


The problem i'm having is when i want to choose which skin i want for bots, there names don't appear. I can select the maul and obi-wan skins for the bots but not the other two. I've placed everything where they're supposed to be, but like i said, no luck with those two.


Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance. :D

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sorry, the link i mean.


Also, i have had some similar problems with the skins. Basically the skin i picked was applied to all the other characters i was playing against. Even in internet games. Anyhow I'm sure these problems are related. I had to reinstall to fix my problem.

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