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Since Leelink had the idea of gathering all the skilled jedis for a duel , i though it could be nice to have a match debriefing after all duel .


The debriefing consist on telling how the battle was going on , we both share our technics on the battle , our weakpoint , our strong point on how your opponent could have beaten you if he had done that or whatever ... ( I hope you guys know what i mean ... ) ...


So what do you think leelink? Do you want to have our match debriefing??? I do think we had a hell of a match together ... i learned a mot with you and i m ready to share my technics to all the jedis that are reading your thread ....


Legend Of Khaydarin


Ps: i would understant if you don t want that match debriefing ...

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I am working on those. I have nothing about good things to say and would love to hear my Weak and strong points. Trust me I have been gathering information I everyone that I play. So far my matches with you have been the most intriguing and have really made me play better, without playing you I wouldnt have devoloped my stategy for luring a player into jump kicking me and then back peddling at the last moment to gain the upper hand when they land. I will admit you have done excellent and I really didnt see to many weak spots, you adapted your gameplay well to my tactics and never fell for the same tactic twice. You blocked both pull and push well and pick and choose your moves with thought, unlike others I have played. I must say I really enjoy trying to out think you, but you seem to be one step ahead of me. I would have to say your the best player I have played so far (please no one else get offended, but he is very good) If I had to pick a weak spot it would be that you dont use pull or push very much (or maybe I'm so good at blocking it you never had a chance to : ) ) against light side you are a hell of a battle. If anyone is wondering how I did, I "think" it was 9-14 his favor.

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Leelink. head over to the quake**** duel servers during primetime play and look for ( in no particular order )


Smiling Danny













That should keep you busy for awhile. And please when you get your as handed to you silly, do not say we cheat.



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gotcha added! no need to be mean about it though. I never said I was the best. Im good, but not the best. Do i have to play all of you at the same time, cause I usually can only handle 3 jedi at a time : )


also this list isnt just for me but for everyone who wants to find out what a good player plays like and so they can put them in their list and play them to make themselves better.

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Match debriefing:


That was my first time challenging a neutral player and I never though he would gave me a hell of a trouble. ( Even while im invisble , you manage to kill me somehow , i was damned impress ) . I would say that your best point are anticipation and adaptation . Anticpation cuz you could kill me without seeing me etc ... adaptaion with your luring kicks ...


I remember that the first second was kinda fun .... The fight had begun and we both stand still , trying to anticipate each other ...


I will always remember of you luring kick cuz they did give me lot s of troubles !!! ( i still don t understand why i don t touch you first cuz i did know you were gonna kick ...) ..


The first time we played , i ve found out that ur strat was push just before i kick you ... So i had to find a way to counter it ( absorb but it obviously didn t work in the rematch ) . BUT i ve figure out that u had some problem when i run towards you , force push you + kick . Youd did counter my push but there was a slight time where you remain still , so i took advantage of it and was finally able to kick you ....


By the way , first time using mind trick to evade like a bitch coward ...

You did figure out that force of sight was crucial against me ... ( most ppl underestimate mind trick )


Here is some tips : you could have taken adavantage of force push ( since mine is only lvl 2 ) , i couldn t counter you force push at all at close range ...I did really hate it when u push me cuz i fell then BAM , i m dead ....


Legend Of Khaydarin


PS: There is much more to tell about this duel , next time , i will recorded it

PS; It s tru that your twin has the same playin style but you were more creative .. ( for instance : luring kick )

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lol about the force push... wanna know way I am always standing still after you do that to me. cause like a half second later I am trying to use force push to put you on the ground. you just always beat me to the push. thats why I say, your always a step ahead and as everyone who reads here you are able to plan your attacks well. this is what makes a good player. anticipating your opponent and being ready with a counter. The game is very balanced in this way and thats why when two skilled players meet you can see it in thier gameplay.


I also wanted to give a recap Of me playing Icebreaker...


I played him on a duel server and it went like this: opening move: pull him to ground. Slice, throw saber, he died

second time: he runs around me and tried to push or pull me. nothing, I pull him to the ground again and repeat opening move.


Icebreaker then left the server.

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If you think your jedi god, give me a hoot and we'll have a duel or something..


AIM: KannoFire

SERVER IP: (Clan[sITH] Sabers Only)

JK2 NAME: Jedi Ghost[sITH]

E-MAIL: kannofire@yahoo.com


If you find me make sure you tell me your accepting my challenge and that your from JKII.net


(you may think this is just another post of a person wanting a challenge... Duel me, it'll be worth it.)

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If you think your jedi god, give me a hoot and we'll have a duel or something..


Would you like to challenge me ????


Nickname : Legend Of Khaydarin

ICQ num : 72559588 ( my nick is XLR8 )

Location : Paris


Legend Of Khaydarin


PS:I will play all kind of player , i don t mind if you re dark drain gripper or a dfa spammer ......

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I'm pretty damn good... when I'm playing for points I usually come in the top three, and when I play just to duel I usually stand for about 4-5 rounds before someone gets a lucky shot in ;)


Keyan Farlander -SC 1315-


Look for me in Saber Only, With-Force FFAs, especially on ffa_bespin

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I'm pretty damn good... when I'm playing for points I usually come in the top three, and when I play just to duel I usually stand for about 4-5 rounds before someone gets a lucky shot in



If you want a duel , then contact me on icq :72559588 (XLR8)

JKII nick :Legend Of Khaydarin

Location : paris


Legend Of Khaydarin

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Im ok. I can usually put up a decent fight. I like you hate people who are drain, choke and lighting crazy. I have encountered several people who are big guys when they can do all that and score major points but when I get them a 1 on 1 duel I would rip them to shreads. So its all good. I think we should get a server that is for us guys who don't want to have to put up with that crap. I could start a dedicated server if it would be worth it. You can find me using the simple nickname of ODIE. Im usually in FFA in the saber only.

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hey i don't think i am too bad, i am usually top three in the round and win a match here and there ffa mostly. look up deliboy if you want to play me. i usually play strong but am trying to get better with medium. most of the force powers don't really annoy me since push and heal seem to be a counter to all of them.

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Just played against Leelink, and it was a pleasure.


At first I thought he was holding back, but I realized that he plays a patient, defense oriented game - especially compared to me, the frantic aggressor.


At first he took advantage of my willingness to make the first move. Then I added a bit of patience to my game and fared better. His push/pull style is tight and kept me on my toes (and on my back) and I was forced to make a few miraculous recoveries that, looking back, may have had something to do with his 150 ping.


In any case, enough with the innuendo. =)


It was enjoyable to play against someone better than I and to have learned a few new tactics. I hope to see Leelink again on a few servers so I can continue to better my saber skill.


Oh well, time to study 20th Century Canadian Literature. The exam is tomorrow. After that, bun'm nice splif on campus (I hope it will be a sunny day) and return home to play a little JK2. Followed by some righteous drinking... and perhaps more herb...


Ono-Sendai :rolleyes:

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Unfortunately we didnt keep score, (I would say it was about even) the Server was ffa and kinda of full so we didnt really get to battle 1 on 1 to much without any interuptions. I was also impressed with Ono-Sendai ability to Duel and considered his pull tactics on par with mine. At first I was wasnt quite prepared for that, So I reassessed my strategy and took some time to feel out his fighting style some more. I played with more thought as I do when I play Khaydarin and tried to bait him into making mistakes, He adapted quicky and hes is most definately right, he was the agressor while I defended myself and waited to see what the next move would be and how I could counter. I had a hard time pulling him as he blocked well and kept his face towards me (like a skilled player does) I was able to push to the ground a few times, but had difficulty finishing him. I also had difficulty kicking him (which is a big part of my strategy) He moved in such a way that I could not predict where he would be or may have been ducking at the last moment before the kick. We will have to get a 1 vs 1 match going.


I signed up for the ladder at http://www.iglnet.com. I am going to sign up for other ladders as well when I have some time. I am trying to complete a website by thursday 05/09/02 so I may not be on that much until then. I will do direct challenges at pretty much anytime though. I ask that we find a netrual server (ping simular for both of us, although I'm on T1 so I dont mind playing you with a high ping for fun or if you just want to see they way I fight


ICQ is 2287123

email Leelink@padgamer.com


I have emailed some of you and Icq some but didnt get a response. If you are a noob you may think my playstyle is cheap but thats only because you havent disciplined yourself yet, but dont worry noobs you will get better.


I also got to play MasterFarlander, although we did not have many rounds, I was busy playing Ono-Sendai on that same server, His Dueling was much better then mine and based on Duel alone I know he could probably kill me almost everytime. I do not consider Duel challenges my stong suit, my skills lie with both the saber and Force, I would like to learn weapons also but due to the limited number of of finger (10) this makes it difficult be good at all things. this is what makes the game soooo good. I am sure it will gain in popularity as it has a sort of Mortal Kombat balance to it (for every action, there can be a counter offensive move), for those who played that game.

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