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more force levels and a new "force"

some god

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I was playing around with my force points earlyer and got the idea that there should be more force levels for each force,right now all forces got 3 levels to put points in.

My idea is that there should be like 5 instead, but you should only get a few more points to put in them, also level 5 should be a bit bether than the curent level 3


this way there would be more variation in the use of diferent forces.


I would also like to see the implementation of the force/skill "gun useage"

at level 0 you can only use the gun you spawn with, then with every level you put a point in the more hevy guns you can use


this would make the usage of the repeter less comon, oh and how about making it so that for example you can use the repeter at level 3 but the secondary becomes awailable on force level 5

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thank you :D


well, it was when i was bombarded with the repperters secondary that i thought this up, i mean if you want to use the sabre you must put points in sabre attac and sabre defence and in some cases sabre throw


while the people who like guns got all the skills needed for every type of gun imaginable and also got the knowledge to use all the litle extra funktions every gun has.


i don't remember how i came up with the point thing ;)

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