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Is a blood patch cheating?


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Personally, I don't think so. I can't tell if I've hit someone and I think it would be some sort of indication that you did make contact.


Incidentally, I realize that LucasArts can't enable blood because of the censors but it would be a nice feature to have if a sound played when a hit was made. A grunting sound or "mommy!" would do.

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Yeah, it's not cheating, but it can be helpful. That's the practical side of the blood spraying in other FPS games like UT and Quake3.


The blood shows you hit him, even if you didn't kill him.


Incidentally, people have complained about others feigning death. Well, a dead body in JK2 MP doesn't bleed.. so that would give them away right there!

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I've come to recognize a specific grunt for each hit i land, ie: there is quite a different grunt your opponent lets off when you hit him with a red stance swing knocking him down to 25 life and quite a different grunt when you hit him with a yellow swing which knocks him down to 65 life. So, as odd as it may seem, the grunts you hear are actually the best indicator if you hit someone or not. Usually when i hear that loud "ooofff" grunt while using red stance it means i made contact, reduced them to 25 life, and thus quckliy switch to blue stance to finish em off with a little poke up their ass :)

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First off no, a blood patch is not cheating, and yes it is a great tool, BUT it is extremely unrealistic when you whack someone with a saber and he starts spurting blood. I say this because sabers actually cauterize as they cut. There are three really great examples of this that I can think of.

1: The Empire Strikes Back-Luke losing his hand

2: The Phantom Menace-when Darth Maul turns Qui-Gon into shish-kebob

3: The Phantom Menace-when Darth Maul is cut in half.


The same goes for the various energy based guns in JK2, and if you need proof of the power of how well these babies cauterize then check out Return of the Jedi and fast foward to when Leia gets a blast to the shoulder, is she bleeding? Hell no, but with the Repeater, the Flechette gun, etc. all I have to say is "Let the spurting begin!"

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Originally posted by Dracofyre

First off no, a blood patch is not cheating, and yes it is a great tool, BUT it is extremely unrealistic when you whack someone with a saber and he starts spurting blood. I say this because sabers actually cauterize as they cut. There are three really great examples of this that I can think of.

1: The Empire Strikes Back-Luke losing his hand

2: The Phantom Menace-when Darth Maul turns Qui-Gon into shish-kebob

3: The Phantom Menace-when Darth Maul is cut in half.



Hmmm... I seem to remember a bar scene from ep IV when an alien in the bar gets his arm chopped off by a saber and the blood pours out over the floor.

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Exactly. Blood from (most) saber wounds in Star Wars IS REALISTIC, that's why I like using it. It's not excessive either, and combined with the dismemberment, it just makes it that much more like the movies.


Also, it's not just saber wounds. Don't you think somebody getting blasted by a grenade might lose some blood? Nothing says a thermal detonator or det pack "cauterizes" every wound, now does it?


I can't wait until they fix the dismemberment in MP! ; )

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Originally posted by UsagiYojimbo


It's available on a german site. I don't remember the URL :(


Thanks, I looked it up and found it on KaZaA and megagames.com. I haven't decided to use it yet, since I would need to backup a few files before trying it. This is where laziness kicks in.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't you think somebody getting blasted by a grenade might lose some blood? Nothing says a thermal detonator or det pack "cauterizes" every wound, now does it?

No offense Kurgan but duh! Their are only 4 weapons that the blood patch should NOT apply to. The E-11 Stormtrooper Rifle, the saber, the bryar blaster, and the stunner (for obvious reasons). I'm all for watching some poor bastard get blown to pieces after stepping on a mine, detpack, etc.


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Originally posted by Dracofyre

3: The Phantom Menace-when Darth Maul is cut in half.


Actually, if you watch this on dvd you see a "red mist" spray up when they show Maul's face. It's subtle, but it's there.


On the other side though, I'm not big on the blood thing...

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Yah I caught that blood spray from darth maul a couple days ago. At first I thought it was a glitch on my tape, but I watched it more carefully and saw that it was indeed a small spray of blood, but I still stand on my argument that sabers and blasters cauterize.

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