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Lighting Lighting Lighting????


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Ok a couple questions



1. Can you control the light output of sky shaders?


i made a level and put a sky shader and it was waaaaaay too bright ( bleached out the color of the ground texture)


2. On the light entities can you get rid of the inner corona?


when you make a light value higher it just seems that the inner carona gets 100x's brighter and you end up just having a really bring SPOT near where the light is located.



3. Can't seem to get ambient light to work on the worldspawn entity.. any tricks of the trade?




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yeah sure you can change skyshaders, but i´m not sure if it´s a good idea to customise originaly JK2 sky..anyway...



// q3map_sun <red> <green> <blue> <intensity> <degrees> <elevation>


// color will be normalized, so it doesn't matter what range you use


// intensity falls off with angle but not distance 100 is a fairly bright sun


// degree of 0 = from the east, 90 = north, etc. altitude of 0 = sunrise/set, 90 = noon




q3map_surfacelight 75 //that is what you want to change..set it to 25 maybe

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that was a nother wierd thing i saw..



this was basically just a laaaarge test box i made, but on the edge there was a shadow on the wall.. interesting.. i'll have to try it when i get home..


too bad you have to edit the shaders though, i was hoping for an entity type value you could add to the shader texture..

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