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And the n00b screams cheater


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Now the game has been out a while and the servers are starting to get more crowded, the cheater tag has begun.


And Personaly it's bloody annoying, I have now 5 times been called a cheater, and it's really starting to piss me off.


Most of the time i win, not becourse i'm the best saberist out there but becourse i fight dirty hehe and know good trickes for almost every tactic out there - I know only one sure fire tactic (which is damn boring) and i ain't telling it since it would properly ruin the game if it becomes common knowledge.


As for winning 90% of the time, well practise makes perfect - And why strive for anything less than perfection.


Why is it players who have not been online alot expect to have a chance the very first time they log into a server. There is a hell of alot of difference between MP and SP in this game and just becourse you can whopp some bot's in mp you should not expect to win on a server, let's be honest the bot's suck at saber duels.


But people just becourse you lose 30-3 to somebody it does not mean they are cheating, they might just know something you don't or simply they might be alot better than you.


As for people whining about force power x being all powerfull get a grip (nice pun eh), this game is amazingly well balanced. I have yet to lose to somebody who relies only on force powers, and while both heal and force drain are good they ain't that good and they won't make you safe from a heavy hit or 2-3 fast hits with medium stance, either of which will kill you very fast.


I suggest you go practice som on a no force duel server before joining a open duel server, if you don't i'd estimate you will lose quite abit the first week.


Have fun - and remember just becourse you lose a few times don't scream nerf or whine, try to think before complaining - Who knows you might learn something.


"Activates force absorb" Now you can flame/grip all you wan't all you will do is give me free heals.

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I might add that before people go spouting off about how good they are, just remember....


Are you really that good or are the people you fight really just bad?


No matter how skilled I am if your ping(40) < my ping(300)...you have a decided advantage


At LEAST 50% of your hits are luck and have nothing to do with skill...


People will hate you if you show no creativity (ie. spamming the deadliest moves/force powers)


We all have good days and bad days...


Maybe the other players just want to have *quality* fights and not necessarily have the *most* kills (easy to do I think)


Reducing any game to a formulated style of play becomes boring...very quickly...


I can fight you for 10 minutes and lose...


I can fight you for 10 seconds and win...


You can spam the strong style all you want...but you wont get near me with it...


This game makes you believe you are Jedi...no one likes to get their ass kicked...

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i know exactly what u mean hehe i practice using no force only sabers thats how i got good and as far as n00bs go hella funny i tried connecting to a server but it disconnected me for some reason so i immediatly reconnected this time i finally got into the game and this fool said so u moved your hacked pk3 files eh i was all like uh no i just reconnected so he got all hey how did u do that what hacks are u using... hella funny stuff all i told him after that was that i wasnt using any hacks

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Originally posted by Knuma

I know only one sure fire tactic (which is damn boring) and i ain't telling it since it would properly ruin the game if it becomes common knowledge.


That move already IS common knowledge, and I'm quite surprised you think it isn't, since the vast majority of the JK2 community knows the DFA move.


And if you get called a cheater because you win too easily, I suggest finding another server with more experienced and better players.

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- GooglyMoogly -

<I might add that before people go spouting off about how good they are, just remember....

Are you really that good or are the people you fight really just



Don't know, I know i'm not that good i'm just saying that becourse player a beats the living daylight out of you that does not mean he's cheating. So far i've had some 17 people log after 5 min 1on1 on a duel server.


<No matter how skilled I am if your ping(40) < my ping(300)...you

have a decided advantage

mostly i try to awoid playing HPB's, no fun


<At LEAST 50% of your hits are luck and have nothing to do with



I can assure you that most of my hit's are not luck.


<People will hate you if you show no creativity (ie. spamming the deadliest moves/force powers)

I try to keep it varied, more interresting that way, just becourse you know a way to make sure fire kills it does not mean your skillz get better using it.


<We all have good days and bad days...

some people have only bad days it seems


<Maybe the other players just want to have *quality* fights and not necessarily have the *most* kills (easy to do I think)

well if a total n00b plays against an experienced he should not expect a quality fight, the experienced player will either take down fast and clean or start toying with him, hehe earlier today i took down a player using only contact damage from a blade, i'll admit he was a n00b, but hey it made me laugh, A quality fight to me is two even players when looking at skillz connection and systems, that way both should have to focus and both will properly enjoy the game :p


<Reducing any game to a formulated style of play becomes boring...very quickly...

That's a game is


<You can spam the strong style all you want...but you wont get near me with it...

why do you assume i use that ? actualy i use all styles, and changing from one to the other at the right time is often enough to take out the other player


<This game makes you believe you are Jedi...no one likes to get their ass kicked...

regardless of what game they play


- Zodiac -

<That move already IS common knowledge, and I'm quite surprised you think it isn't, since the vast majority of the JK2 community knows the DFA move.


Actualy the move i'm refering to is not the heavy stance strike which is easy to awoid, assuming that is the move DFA refers to, but another trick and there is no defense for it, your dead end of story.

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i hate people who feel the need to let everyone else know just how good they are.

nobody wants to hear it.



And for cheating, who cares? i call people like you cheaters just to get on your nerves, it doesnt work on me.




Edit: Oh, and to update you on current events, people who use the word "n00b" are infact "n00bs" themselves. It isent "l337" anymore.

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Originally posted by Neko Lain

i hate people who feel the need to let everyone else know just how good they are.

nobody wants to hear it.


And for cheating, who cares? i call people like you cheaters just to get on your nerves, it doesnt work on me.


Edit: Oh, and to update you on current events, people who use the word "n00b" are infact "n00bs" themselves. It isent "l337" anymore.


I don't feel that need, I know I'm good, not good enough but working on it. I am how ever very tired of people calling others cheaters just becourse they get a sound beating in a game.


As for hating people naaa not worth the efford.


As for your edit who cares, I used to word to create attention for my post and it seems to have worked if you feel offended to bad.

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Originally posted by Knuma


Actualy the move i'm refering to is not the heavy stance strike which is easy to awoid, assuming that is the move DFA refers to, but another trick and there is no defense for it, your dead end of story. [/b]


just me or will this "super uber tactic" will just turn out to be really lame/common knowledge anyway ?


don't tell me this guy's a lunger..

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Edit: Oh, and to update you on current events, people who use the word "n00b" are infact "n00bs" themselves. It isent "l337" anymore. [/b]


Actually I personally think that anybody who uses any of that type of language has got to be some pimple-faced 13 year old kid anyway. It really saddens me to know that many 'adults' actually type that crap.

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People who brag about their "skill" are most likely the people who can't prove it in the game so are hoping if they say it in a medium where they can't be proven wrong, people will believe they are as good as they say they are.


The people who are quiet are the ones I watch out for...

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Yeah...Silverthorn....I must agree with you as well. I find that funny langauge that so many online gaming fans use very silly. I can't understand half of it and what I can understand just makes me think...."that is real silly, why not say it straight?" Oh well, to each his own, eh?


General Theros


P.S. Yeah, adults shouldn't be speaking like that anyway. It makes them look less....how shall we say.....mature? Have you ever stopped to think how much the internet and fast paced games have lowered the grammer skills of those that play and/or use them on a very frequent basis? Constantly trying to find a quicker, smaller, more abbreviated way to say something eventually leads to their lacking skills. Even I have suffered a bit. I'll miss punctuation here and there, or I'll even miss capitalizing a word. On that note can we say that the level most gamers vocabulary is very lacking too! It will only get worse as this game speech is used more. Oh well. It won't be the downfall of society, and it sure is fun! :)

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Hmm, as far as the l337 speak. Well, personally I do use it at times, no I don't use it in games or whatever. But sometimes it's just kinda fun to do or whatever. (I know people of all ages who do it for the same reason). Basically, you're classifying everyone based on your experiences with the people who will only speak in "leet" and constantly go. "1 0wnZ0r3d j00 g00d!" (I owned you good for the "leet impaired")



Next thing I'd like to say.


I know this really really cool secret, there is NO defense against it whatsoever. Absolutely none. If the person runs or tries to avoid it, they just get killed twice as fast. It's so cool. It looks really stylish too. The guy does like a butterfly, to a flip, and then the saber grows really big (turns into the Dark saber from the book of the same name) and just shoots everyone but you on the map, and when they respawn, it shoots 'em again. But, I'm not going to tell how to do it, because it'd suck if everyone figured it out and did it.


In case you didn't catch on, the above was sarcastic. Please, noone is going to believe you have an "Ultimate All Powerful (redundancy is fun kids) Attack" unless you're going to say how you do it. Saying you're not going to say so other people find out and spam it is just stupid. Best to get it out in the open, sure it'll be spammed, but if the DFA wasn't spammed as much as it is, I don't think we would have anywhere near as many counters to it as we do.


I'm not saying you don't have it, I'm saying I don't believe you have it (feel free to prove me wrong with a demo of it, or screenshots, or just telling me how to do it. Private message me or whatever if you want)

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hehe well im sure that 75% of the people calling some1 else a cheater has played Counter-Strike ...


CS is so bad now ... 60% of each server has cheaters on them ... you dont trust any1 nowadays on CS ...


So thats why people call you a cheater ... cause they come from CS where cheating is as common as water ...

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Leet speak, Is an old habit from quake, and old habits die hard.


arctic_series I won't post the move, since it's both lame and boring, so far i haven't seen anybody use it besides the mate i found it with, he knows how to do it also but i haven't even seen him use it.


enDless_Deliriu nice touch of sarcasm the move is still there though i'll give it 2-3 weeks until somebody post's it, Properly in a whine about it.


DFA ain't that good some people just seem to think it is.


obijonkenobi i'd say that depends on the player, I know some seriously good quake3 players who have a bigger mouth than some of the 13'year olds, people in this forum seem to enjoy comparing me to.

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I have this superl33t special secret move as well, a special move which can get you tons of kills in 2 seconds. I'm serious here, I have 3 friends who know about it too. But I'm not gonna tell anyone, cuz winning all the time is boring. :rolleyes:;)

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When I get called a cheater, I LOVE IT. If you know you are not cheating, then it's a compliment. Cheating is an unfair advantage over others. If you're not cheating, that means that unfair advantage is pure skill baby!

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Zodiac - actualy it's not a fast kill it takes about 1min to do on a 1on1 duel server and it takes pragtice and alot of timing, go play abit with force powers and like the rest of the crowd you will find it.


Krash - I quite agree, but it's only fun until somebody kicks you from a server becourse of it then it stops being fun very fast.

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Guys and Gals,


This is the most pointless, idiotic discussion I've come across in the forums. Please don't take that as a personal attack, I'm sure each and every one of you could throw me a good a-- kicking at any time, but seriously, this is lame.


There are going to be people who get accused of cheating when they don't. Simply put, we've all played CS, Diablo, and a ton of other games that have been spoiled by hackers, and it's almost second nature to us all that eventually we'll come across some fool who uses a cheat.


With all due respect, play the game, and keep your mouth shut. If the guy is off base with his accusation, smile sinisterly at the knowledge that you have whupped him to the point that he thinks your skills are ungodly given the parameters of the game. But why let yourself get p---ed off, why start a flame war on the forums, why talk in whispers about "move X" or "console command Y," and why feel the need to validate your skills to the rest of us? It just makes you look desperate, if you'll forgive my saying.


Can't we all just get along? ;)

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Originally posted by Knuma

enDless_Deliriu nice touch of sarcasm the move is still there though i'll give it 2-3 weeks until somebody post's it, Properly in a whine about it.



I know the move is still there. And fair enough if you want to give it out in 2-3 weeks, mostly I was just trying to say a lot of people won't believe you unless you show proof.


Though I do resent the enDless_Deliriu comment. Actually I don't, I just wish the forum allowed for ONE more letter in names (I should've just used enDlessDelirium but I wasn't thinking right when I hit the submit button). Oh well.


Btw, just for clarification: Is it a force move (as in, do you need the force for it?) and if so. It's not the Drain/Grip/Lightning combo is it?

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it could also be the drain, push/pull, slash em when they're down combo. Or the skyrocket-in-the-air move. Or the kick, slash, lightning move. Or the roll, grip, strafe, pull, slash em when they're down move. hmm.. but I don't use force so I have I'm prolly wrong.

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Originally posted by Zodiac

it could also be the drain, push/pull, slash em when they're down combo. Or the skyrocket-in-the-air move. Or the kick, slash, lightning move. Or the roll, grip, strafe, pull, slash em when they're down move. hmm.. but I don't use force so I have I'm prolly wrong.


drain push/pull is quite effective but a waste of force since if you know what your doing you don't need to drain to make your push/pull hit very close to every time, see my other post for detials


slash em when they are down hehe yea very effective and getting them down is easy with kick, push or pull.


Actualy I was refering to the drain lightning combo, when your dropped to the ground you still stand a chance of getting up and out of the way fast enough to awoid taking a hit.


but timed right drain lightning combo can keep light side from using heal and slowly drain away all life, takes about 1min to do in somebody that way.


but then you will never see me use it since i'm dedicated light side user when i fight with force mostly i fight noforce duels on a force server if i can get the opponent to agree to it.


grip is if you ask me the most useless power in the game it's only good against people who don't use absorb, if you grip a player with absorb all you do is give him a force refil and 2 dmg.


enDless_Deliriu well I posted it futher up thx god it only works on force servers and 1on1 at that, if you try it on a ffa server there is a good chance you would be jumped hehe.

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