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And the n00b screams cheater


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Thats It. :rolleyes:

Game over. :deathstar

The cheats have well and truly begun. :barf:

I'm not here to whine about losing - I win plenty and tonight I've played and won 4 out of 5 MP games.

Even though I won I came up against some of the most unbelievable hacks I've ever seen:

- Instant kills when the other player touches/runs into you *no saber/force/weapon used even when my health & shield meter is full!!*

- My saber stong stance strike clearly going through the opponent several times and not even moving them or damaging them.

- Fighting a guy *without* using force attacks on him for minutes without his force absorb ever running out ...(!)

- The one I'm seeing more and more of with certain individuals (usually with their own skins - such as headless Kyle): Force pulling an opponent who is mid-swing when you know their force meter is almost empty and they still won't fall over.


I'm not a newbie, I am taking into account the various strategies in the game and I am giving an accurate account of certain players in several MP games during the last week or so who seem to have given themselves an unfair advantage. I've also played on plenty of clean servers to be fair - but they're getting dirtied up slowly but surely.

I say all this despite the fact that I won my MP matches tonight - I have nothing to be bitter about! I'm pointing out that within days playing this game online will probably be a useless, infuriating experience for those players who aren't cheating.


So - thats it. I leave JKII online MP for good now - I knew it wouldnt take long for hackers to ruin it for everyone - it'll go the way of CS. At least I'm going out knowing I didnt need to cheat to win.


cya - and heres to waiting for the next great game to come along so we can enjoy a good clean fight.




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