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How can a lightsaber swing's blur color be changed?


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Has anyone been able to figure out how to change the color of the blur a lightsaber makes when swung? I belive it has been done in the past by editing the blur core file, but that affects every color of lightsaber. I'm wondering how to change the blur color of just one while keeping the rest as they are. Please, does anyone know? My pure-black lightsaber looks totally stupid when you swing it and leaves a blue trail.

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There IS no way to do this yet. I got a reply from one of the Devs and said that we cant change the blur or even add lightsabers.


However I would expect that we'd be able to change the blur and add sabers when the full MP source code is released.

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Shazbot. Alright then, how would I change the motion blur color to black, do you think? For all the sabers if I must. I know there's some trickery involved with getting black to show up because it's used for see-though. I managed to get a black lightsaber blade by editing the DarkSabers mod available somewhere around the web, so I'd imagine his inversion of the color code would apply to everything in the mod. I can't get the blur core, once the color has been changed, to affect the lightsaber. Any help would be appretiated!

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