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Skinning Problemz


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'Ello, I just made my first skin, and I'm pleased to say it looks great! Well, at least in modview (other than a couple small bugs), however, when I bring it into the game, only the head/hands are visible! The rest of the model is completely invisible....I would post screens of modview and such if I had a website to host them.


But, any ideas offhand? I personally think that it has something to do with the model.glm ... I mixed a Desann model with another model (put everything on him from the other model aside from hands / head)...how do I go about editing the model.glm (if indeed this is where the problem exists) to my satisfaction?

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Well Im only on my first skin myself, but if you were to past the peices on top of the pics for the models pics you are using from the ones of the other model. Then just move the stuff around till its in the same spot as the ones on the pics for the model it will be on.


That should work.

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OK, I ran into this problem earlier while making my Yuuzhan Vong skin. It's the .skin files. Make sure any pics that have the character's name in it (i.e. Reborn_torso.jpg) have been renamed. Then go into the .skin files using notepad, go to edit and replace. Type in to replace the model's old name (Desann?) with its new name (whatever that is) and hit replace all. See if that helps.

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