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interested in the jedi academy? read this


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Hey everyone, it's massadoobie, the webpimp... ahem, site administrator for the soon to be opened jedi academy. just to let everyone know what's going on, we're working on getting a trainer application set up, and once we get trainers we'll start the actual training. we'll have some sort of "i want training" submission thing (more on that in a bit)... but in the meantime, you'll have to be patient, we want to make this as good as can be.


also, if any of you out there are either graphics pros, map or skin makers, or cgi wizards, let me or JediSith999 know. i have a feeling we'll need your help, especially setting up the training schedule/database.


That's about it for now. i know i'm gonna regret this, but you'll see the address eventually anyway. so yea, if you can help us out or just want to send a word of encouragement along, my email is massadoobie@hotmail.com (for now, i can't tell you my jk2.net address just yet :) )


looking forward to getting this show on the road...

Chris "Massadoobie" DuBois

Site Administrator, Jedi Academy

(edit-damn, i thought signatures were turned on still)

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i'd really like to try out as a trainer, i want to see if i am good enough. my email is aom23@drexel.edu , i will email you tomorrow about setting up a time and place for my tryout? i usually place 1 in team ffa servers with guns, and in the top 3 on saber only servers and i only use light side. i would be very interested in being a student too :)

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Am i the only one who is going to say something about the site stuff?


I guess so.


I like to make graphics and the such, so id be glad to help you guys out. I just sent you an email massa, so you can check it out later :) Being like me, i like check my email once a week sometimes hehe. Im getting better though lol.



EE and CS Master! :wavey:


~Do, or do not. There is no 'Try'. -Yoda.


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hey everyone, thanks for the enthusiasm... the Academy and I are excited. we're still working out a few kinks, and i guarantee there will be kinks once we open, but it'll be fun.


Just to reiterate, we'll have a application process for trainers at first. Once we choose our trainers we'll set up a "grade" system and a curriculum. Then we'll start scheduling sessions to see what level prospective students are placed in.


Other than that, we've got ourselves an official server now... of course I'll post details later when the site's up, but the Academy's leader, JediSith999, says he gets a consistent 69 ping on a Dallas server (and he lives in Florida).


Alrighty, I'll continue to keep you guys posted, thanks again for the interest, this should be fun...


Chris "Massadoobie" DuBois

Site Administrator, Jedi Academy

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Just wondering...was the server up just a few minutes ago? I was in one named "Jedi Academy" and it was a CTF server...had a blast on it, and it looked like most of the people there were a bit new... One didn't move while fighting and another thought I was cheating because a heavy stance hit killed him when he was at 100... Or was this just another server happened to be called that?

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