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First map ever... help!


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Hi, i am making my first map ever, so far its going good, though i have a few questions,

1) how do i make sliding doors?(how would i prepare it? and add entitiy to it?)


2) how would i make an elavator?


3) i have MP map thingy loaded up so i can make a mp map, though the problem is.. there are no entities.. but in sp there are??? i went to project options,.a nd i made sure it said mp_enitties.def, still nothing? any help here?:confused:

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There was a fix posted for the entities thing, which is meant to be:


"entitypath" "__QERPATH\mp_entities.def"


It was posted on the news of both http://www.jediknightii.net/ and http://www.massassi.net/


Don't feel as though people are ignoring you. Keep in mind that the editing tools haven't been out for very long, and many people are still learning. My advice is to try out the many Q3 tutorials as the process is fairly similar. There will be instances where what you're after isn't exactly the same, but be patient.


Sooner or later, people will know the real answers, and probably right up tutorials or something. Personally, I'm a novice when it comes to editing, doing some minor stuff back with Doom, failed attempts at Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, and Half-Life.. but I'm learning :jawa


Best tutorial I know of (and there's been many references to this by other people already) is http://planetquake.com/bubba/mapping.html


A list of resources is also included in a doc file included with the tools in the same path as JK2Radiant itself, so open it up and take a look through that.

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I've said this in other threads but try and check out the QeRadiant manual. Look it up in google. Try and get the pdf version. Very good reference and will answer a lot of questions. I'm new to Q3 mapping as well and this has helped me heaps.

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Try here for the Q3Radiant PDF manual:




And all the above ideas are great. And as people learn more, and myself, we can post more to help others.


For me, I am learning slowly, but I do realize that I can load up the included free-bee kejim_post.map and look it over carefully. This map is a dead give-away to things I have no clue how to create yet, like slick elevators we all need and other clever concepts the RAVEN team did. But I like to reverse engineer at times, others may not.


As I learn I take text from this forum and add it to my JK2 Editing Bible. In the end the .doc will be a hardcore reference to JK2 map editing for SP or MP.

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thanx for all the help...

but.. i know i sould aply a entitie to make a door/elivator.. but..

what do i add it to?

would i first cgc subtract, then get my little perice i subtracted, and put it in the "hole" then aply entitie? or is there another way?

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To make a door:


1. Create a hole in the wall that needs a door. (CSG Subtract)


2. Next, create a thin brush that covers up the hole.


3. With the brush still selected, you right click in one of the 2D views, find 'func_door' and apply that.


4. Press 'n' (sometimes twice) to bring up the entity menu. (Keep the brush selected during all of this.)


5. Click on one of the numbers at the bottom to chose which way you want the door to slide according to the 'top' view.


To make an elevator:


1. Create a hollow elevator shaft. (combining to the door if you want)


2. Create a brush about the same size as your door and place it where you want the elevator to be when it goes up.


3. Apply the 'func_plat' to the small brush.


4. With the just the small brush selected, press 'n'.


5. Type in 'height' as the key and for the value, it's rather confusing... so read carefully.


6. Here's the formula: (top position) - (brush thickness) - (bottom position) = height. So if I wanted my elevator to start at unit

(-1000) and go up to unit (0), then this is what the formula would look like: (0) - (8) - (-1000) = 992


7. So the value for the 'height' key in that example would be 992. If you want your elevator to start at the top and go down, you place the brush at the bottom and put in (-992) (if it were the smae example...)


There I hope you can understand that. It took me a while to get it myself. :)





~ Danshmeala

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okayt hanx.

also the doors, say iw ant it to slide left and right(i think i can dot his on y own^_^) but.. would it bealright if it went into the wall brush when it slide open? or would that just mess htigns up? or is it supposed to? cuz i cant find any where else to put it..

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I *think* it's okay to let them slide into the wall, but if you wanted to, you could make the wall thicker, and put the doors in the open position, CSG Subract, and then move them back to the closed position. That way there would be a little slot for them to go into.

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hmm i could dot hat.. but i would ahve to do that to every thing.. il lsee if it works out...if not.. illd o that ^_^


also.. is there a way to test the level? or do i ahve to compile it?

and when i compile it.. do i HAVE to amke it a pk3?

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To test your level, convert it to a .bsp file using 'bsp FullVis' or 'bsp FastVis(1/2)' for less quality and faster 'bsp'ing speeds :D. Then place your newly created .bsp file into the 'maps' folder under 'base'.


Next, open up (either single player or MP, whichever your map is) JKII, press 'shift' + '~' and then a black bar will scroll down. Type in 'devmap mapname'. But replace 'mapname' with... your map's name...:p

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okey thanx.. ill test soon, but.... i made it too small! the player spawn thingy doesnt fit!!well.. in the hallways i made...... :'( and when i scale it all(takes like 30 mint o select everthing one by one..) it makes my stairs bigger... now the guy cant go up stairs! arggggggghhhj..... is there a simple way to make it all bigger?

also when i test it, should i add a world spawn thingy? if so.. i cant, cuz it gices some crappy error..


edit: i built it using a player start intity, and.. it doesnt compile or what evr.. i go to bsp(trid em all..) and i cant find it any wherem its not in my maps flder dir or any thing.. there are .bak fiels though?

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