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Segmentation tutorial


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hey your model looks cool, but it loks almost nothing like your odl one.. lots of changes..

any who, i know about weighing the model.. but.. what bones do you weigh them too?

spacemonkey, if u know baout this, i think it hsoudl be included in your tut ^_^..

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Guest seantree

okay, but what are the tag and bone names?? Could someone post them up so I can delete all but them and the bones??

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tag bone and names? open one of the models the sdk comes with int he mdoel viewer, go to view>tags, and bones, and it will show the tags and the bones, and there u can see their names...

also if i was to import their tags bones etc, coudl i import their caps? whats the differents betweeen a cap and a tag?

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Guest seantree

okay, i saved a max file with the skeleton and tags in place. i built boxes to resemble the body parts, mapped them, used skin to assign weights, and now i get an error saying "vert 1 on bolt_l_leg has no weights" i guess tags need to be weighted (or perhaps linked) also?? ugh!


EDIT: okay this is a pretty long error log, but check it out. Not sure what it means, but I only used 1 LOD(assimilate used it for all LOD's) since my biker scout model isn't using 3k polys I really have no need for them. check it out


EDIT AGAIN: Just realized I did not link my meshes together. I suppose this is the reason for the error. The other parts cannot be found since they haven't been linked. anyone know how to do so without reassigning verts?? ugh, at least it SAID it was writing the glm :)




-------- C:\base\models\players\test\test.car --------

( Build trigger: "c:\base\models\players\test\test.glm" missing )

entering c:\base\models\players\test\test.car

(90 degree skewing OFF)

Loading GLA "models/players/test/_humanoid.gla"...17278 frames

Grabbed 1 files with 17278 frames

Processing 'c:/base/models/players/test/root.XSI'

Processing meshes, LOD 0

Processing meshes, LOD 1

Processing meshes, LOD 2

Processing meshes, LOD 3

Processing meshes, LOD 4

(Mesh empty, so total LODs = 4)

Generating test.glm ... ( scale: 0.64 )

Writing MDX/GLM model file...

Building GLM...


Error: Model has 71 surfaces, but only 1 can be reached by recursing from surfa

e 0 ('*r_leg_foot')

You need to re-hierarchy this model correctly

These are the surface(s) not reachable from surface 0...







































































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Flame: Biggity Bam isn't a Kevin Smith saying...


Anyways, Sheesh!!!!!! You guys have figured this out already. I just started getting the hang of Q3 and never really got a chance to try to get a model in there. I'm all worn out just reading alot of these expleantions...


Great Work. I'll be Skinning if you need me....... ok?

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seantree (crab?) well, theres a complex hierarchy. But to avoid all that crap of parenting parts to others what you can do is save a copy of say the kyle mesh (root.xsi) as a max file. Load your model - correctly segmented and named, then merge your copy of the root file (which was saved as a max file) and it will ask you if you want to reassign the parenting from one thing to another - this then applies some of the hierarchy to your model. I still havent had success yet getting a working model in game, but as soon as I can I will post further info on it all. The Tag placement is pretty logical so I might cover that next.

But anyway simply having your tags linked to parts of your mesh isnt enough, the mesh also needs to be linked together in a particular order. :(

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Guest seantree

so do ya know the order or ya still workn on it? I'm gonna give it another shot after i eat. It seems that the hips are where everything is linked. oh and i realized i was missing stupidtriangle in my imported bones/tags mess. where exactly does this go?

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yeah I have the complete order for the 'linked' hierarchy. I've got it all on paper - I went through it earlier but I just couldnt face writing it onto computer.

Model root - is the master, everything is linked to that.


I cant remember exactly where stupid triangle goes offhand - from memory I think it goes in the center of the chest (or where the chest would be if they did have it below the actual model).

But check up on it in one of the root.xsi files.


I'm having a break today from disecting these root.xsi files, I decided to build a quick model as a bit of relaxation. I should get it done in a few hours so with some luck I'll post a phat list later.

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