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I Have A New Model Idea


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My Idea is first and foremost make a model of Yoda, the greatest Jedi Master and use new animations to make it look better :yoda:


Secondly to advance this further after creating this model for deathmatch hook up with someone to make an SP level involving you being Obi-Wan or Anakin, and your dueling Darth Tyranous a.k.a Count Dooku. During the fight Yoda comes help as is seen in the movie. I have seen a pic of Yoda and Dooku in a saber lock looking stance. It looked ILM quality so I am guessing it is authentic. This could be easily achieved and I hope someone takes my idea and creates a great model.......



Anyway respond on your thoughts on my Idea or anything.....

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i made SOME of a yoda(older yoda) model a while back, but i stopped working on it, as it got to fat, and i kneew it wouldnt work in game, due to his size and wordrobe..(could use momatma's anim but tis not in sdk?)

if you want i can show an imge of it in early beta stage.. i may continue it one day....


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