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help with inserting models


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Well I have the same problem, but I've looked around in the forums and seen what to do about it (but I haven't done it yet). I believe you should:


To begin with the models are entities and there for they are not solid.

To make your models solid follow these steps:


Step 1: Make a brush that is nearly the same size as your model

Step 2: Put it over the model

Step 3: With that brush selected goto "Textures" on the menu and select "system"

Step 4: Assign the clip-texture onto it

Step 5: Go and test it out!

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You've got the right idea, but according to raven, the texture to use is system/physics_clip. Also, if you have problems with lighting the model, it was also suggested that we use the misc_model_breakable. Don't worry about it being breakable though, it's not by default.

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I got that error but fixed it. After you pick your misc_model, it will give an error it cannot find it. Then pass message and change (in the Value field) the / before 'base' to //. Then press enter, and the model will appear. Angle it as you want.


Next, there is a bug in the path still, if you leave as is, the model will not appear in the map I found. So change the path as in this example: models\map_objects\kejim\generator_big.md3

So delete everything in the Value field before the word 'models'


Then place another brush that encloses the misc_model, very tight around it too. Then assign the 'system' texture clip to that brush (so a player cannot pass through it).

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To see a list of misc_models to add to a map, use misc_model entity. Right-click to add the entity misc_model it will request a path to a model file, .md3. Look in your ../base/models folder and bring them in to view.


There is a bug with the path for the misc_model Value, so be sure to change the Value to this example:



After you change the path the model should appear in the map and also if you play the map.

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Personaly, in spite of all its flaws, I love radiant. I could NEVER figure out JED and thus gave up on editing totaly. but radiant is SOOOOO easy to learn, I have been working on 2 different map designs. A place I was at in a star wars themed dream I had looked like a great place for saber duels so I drew what I saw in the dream and started building it. The second is a BIG sith temple hidden within a yavin themed ffa/duel that APPEARS to be quite small and unimpressive, but with the help of one of our primary force skills, and an eye for minor details, we can find the entrance to a much larger and more elaborate area. Remember, the sith are secretive and well hidden hehe.

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Originally posted by FEXX

To see a list of misc_models to add to a map, use misc_model entity. Right-click to add the entity misc_model it will request a path to a model file, .md3. Look in your ../base/models folder and bring them in to view.



There is no model inside!!!

(must i unpack the pak* file first?)

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