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My model!


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HEllo, im a newb modeler, i have made this model for jk2, nd well basicaly its a model, i can unrap,skin map, or what ever its called, and was hoping some1 could help me by making one for me with little distortion as possible? and if any1 is interested in skinning it, i could post the skinmap after i recive it or somehting..

please help me, oh, and please dont try to take my work and pass it off as your own(though its not good enough anyw ay! haha!)

and please dont relase this model or any thing......


here are a few shots of it..







please if you could help, email me at murtaza911@hotmail.com or post here, :D

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dood your a bit erm paranoid abotu copywrights arnt you?


anyway umm dont take this the wrong way but you may want to make him with you know erm muscle onte of soem form i think the last dood was reffering to actually havingt sesom skin on his body (modelled on instead of all armour or clothing)


and umm his head looks like he caught a rocket................with his teeth


as far as getting people to help stop going on about getting there name in it and teling peopl not to copy your work it creates a very erm negative tone in the message.

If you possibly rephrase your posts i think youd get a lot more help:)

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Why the hell am i arogant? i seen it happen,and dont want it happen to me! all i ask is just dont relase it with out my permission! bah, your the argant one, if you where to ask some1 to help you with a game,that WASNT suoposed to be relased till a week later.. but the person does any ways, wouldnt you be mad?

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im not aksing for a skin, just a skin map (so it can be skinned on..) and i have learned modeling, and skinmapping kinda, i know hwo to ddo it, but it doesnt lok goo,d and i cant get it to work right.. to much streching etc.

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