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How to beat Desann without getting Scratched **Spoiler Alert!!!**


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i beat Desann on on very easy mode or normal forgot

well anyways you go to both sides of where you started and use force pull on the little button thingys

then Desann might come after you at the second or first but don't be scared just get out force speed set mode to Fast or Med

use force speed at all times and when Desann uses his lightsaber move out the way and hit him where you won't get hit


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well, I knew all that but I still keep getting killed by him.... He gets one lucky swipe in and i'm dead, or he kills me with grip/lighting, but I can still slash him up all I want when I knock him down, and he still wont die!!! Plus, the thingy only lights every minute or so, he uses speed too, if youre not carefull he might get in the beam instead (uh oh!). Basically, youre totally outmatched and if you beat him without cheating, youre very, very lucky (the invinibility does NOT last long enough, since he can still force grip you, which will waste basically all the time you had to hit him....)... Hmm... Time to go cheat.. hehe!

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I just finished the game today, and Desann nailed me about 3 times before I got really lucky and took him out quick! I was actually just experimenting, breaking the rock statues and stuff to see what would happen, and Desann jumps up after me, I swing and nail him a couple times with Strong stance, and try to run away and he jumps after me and the moment he landed I connected with another blow and that was all she wrote. I thought he'd take a LOT more blows than that to go down. :(


Ah well, it was just major luck, since before he was whoopin my rear but good. :)


Great game by the way!!



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Well i think he messed up on force speed or something

or i just don't know what its like for him to force speed at the same time *i didn't go down there he came up here*

yeah it was Fun but they need more missions

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Originally posted by Fliko

i beat Desann on on very easy mode or normal forgot

well anyways you go to both sides of where you started and use force pull on the little button thingys

then Desann might come after you at the second or first but don't be scared just get out force speed set mode to Fast or Med

use force speed at all times and when Desann uses his lightsaber move out the way and hit him where you won't get hit :duel::mob::saberg::saberb::saberr::lsduel:


Hit him where you won't get hit? Sounds like a plan!

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You know the 4 pillars standing around the force beam thingy. It is possible to topple them by light sabering the bases. I managed to kill Desann by crushing him under the falling masonary :D Try it - it works. He just has to be in the right position.

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Hehe I tried him again (played through it again for the 2nd time) and I managed to get the pillar to fall on him, although he did manage to kill me a few times before i succeeded :(. He either has to be on the pillar stand or to the right of the pillar when facing away from the beam, if you know what I mean. Now thats anticlimatic :p.


IMHO Desann isn't that great of an end boss, hes not fun to fight against as hes just too good (for me), It would have been alot cooler if you had to fight him for a bit, but then Luke would show up and you could kick his scaley ass together. :)


Anyone here played the Ladder map? I love fighting all the way up to Desann, and then stand on the platform by the window. When he jumps over to get me I backup onto the bridge and push him into the abyss, muhahaha! Yes I know its a cheap way to win-but he should know better ;) .

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To tell you the truth I found fighting Dessan a lot easier than fighting admiral fyaar, or whatever his name was...


I just busted out a little force speed, got in behind him and did the heay saber style finishing move.... and a little DFA...

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A MUCH easier way is to get yourself on the upper ledge while lizard boy is down on the bottom. Drop down all five of your sentry guns and wait for desann to jump up. He'll go into block mode and maybe knock one or two over. Run around to the other side behind him and try to get him to turn/swing/saber throw at you. He'll die in about 1.5 seconds.


Its almost as lame as watching storm troopers throw themselves off of ledges.




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