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We want our precious "throw" force back!


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Kinda wish we had our throw force power back... Most maps didnt really have enough debree to throw, but I think a "move object/throw" force power would be pretty usefull.. I mean, basically, it would be like having a level three grip power that is non-lethal and works on items (like Luke pushing the pig guys against the wall without killing them, Vader throwing crap at luke, etc, a power that just lets you "move" things, in an attack, or in a non-attacking fashion...

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Luke griped and killed the Gamorians (aka: pig guys). (all force powers are neutral - its how the user impliments them which makes the user light or dark - not the force itself.)


But I do agree with you that a power for object-throwing at people would be sweet. I assume you are refering to the JK1 power right?


I would also like to see blinding back again too.

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