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Lady Sith/Update


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wow, that looks fantastic, is she gunna be in a SP game?

also, just a question, it looks like you know what you are doing, I am wanting to do some mesh and skin work for my own SP camp, so I was wondering if you know of some damn good tuts to get started?

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Thanks everyone.


Zabraks are indeed, flesh colored. Go to the Star Wars Galaxies site if your curious.


As far a SP, I'm mostly concerned with just gettting her ingame, after I finish her Skins, then once I release her, Mappers can feel free to use her for their SP maps. I do however have a MP Duel Map Started for her, though I'm not sure if that will get done or not. I've alot of work ahead of me right now.


Pain... um... Butt: Everything I know about modeling I learned from this book: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&q=Modeling+a+Character+in+3DS+Max&btnG=Google+Search and from various sites, but mostly that book.


If you want Skinning Tuts, I use mostly ones from Polycount and Skindom, and I use them alot.

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Thanks guys. Don't be shy to leave feedback either. I know the direction I'm heading, but it still helps me progress to hear your opinions... God or Bad.



Edit/Temporarily down....................


Gimme a couple days.


Monkey and Seantree: Check the first post please.

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I'll have the site up tommorrow. The problem is that Star Wars is so hot right now my bandwidth is really getting hosed up, and I need to get some feedback from some people I usually work with, and they aren't able to view it, cuz the site has been down so much lately.


So chek in tommorrow, or late tonight.


As far as the Zabraks go, I've found all kinds of contradicting info on them. So basically this one is based of Star Wars Galaxies, and the Lady Maul Skin is just that... Lady Maul, for the Red CTF Skin.

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Everything is up and here's the latest Updates:


O.K. I'm up and running with gas!!!


Sorry for the downtime, but heres that link again:




Default Skin just has some tweaking, and then she's done.


I've a few Skins in the works, but I'm doing what I can so stick tight, and please excuse my low bandwidth.

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Well, there's 3 faces to choose from. You can sort of see them at the bottom of the page, but I had to make it smaller to due to Bandwidth.


As far as the faces go though, I've had tons of Love, Hate, and some very technical comments on them. Either way, I had to finnally just make my mind up, and the faces are complete.


Hopefully when all three skins are finished, you'll find one to suit you.



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