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Right light


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I have big problems to set the light right.

Some places are very dark and other are white and you cant see the texture anymore.


How can i set a light that lights the map overall the same way.

Or is there a trick that would helps me.


Excuse english



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"Ambient Light

Ambient light is a property of the map’s worldspawn entity. By assigning a number value to the ambient key, the overall lighting level of the map is raised. This has the tendency to flatten the difference between light and shadow." - this text is from the Q3Radiant manual. The concept is similar in JK2Radiant.


So I assume you'd go to your map, press 'N' and then scroll down to the Entity 'worldspawn', add it and set/or add the Key "ambient" and a value. I am not sure what the values all do yet, but I assume 0-255 is okay (likely).

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If you're talking about light intensity, you can go into the thousands, though given the number of nice shiny metal and glass textures in JO, you're likely to get a map that glows everywhere. So, yes, ambient shouldn't be set too high, and the 0-255 range should work well.

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easiest way to pick a colour is to press 'k', which brings up the colour selection for an entity. Colors seem to be of the format R G B, where each is a decimal value between 0 and 1. E.G.


1 1 1 --> White


1 0 0 --> Bright Red


0.75 1 0.25 -> Some colour. You know how it works.


I think whatever it is, has to be in the _color attribute, not color. I might be wrong on this, though :jawa



With ambient lighting, the engine seems to turn values in the thousands into neglible amounts of light, at least in my experience. Between 0-255 (as other people have said), is probably your best bet.

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Ah thanks. I found that out too when I saw a red light on the kenjin_post map with the value 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 for yes, '_color'. I did not know of the .75 or .25 values, thanks.


But I have noticed the generator on the level you can play (kenjin_post) has this appealing electrical effect initially. The very nice purple lightning that dances. After finding the generator on the map I noticed some small cubes around it. They had some values like 'elec7' and 'elec8'. Perhaps those cubes orchestrate lightning somehow.

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