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new skins

massive maul

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hi there,


I have downloaded new skins and placed the .pk3 files in the gamedata\base directory now when I want to play multiplay I can not select the new skins , the new skins do not show up in setup player window, now what am I doing wrong, thanks in advance

and greetings from holland dordrecht, see you out there bye.....

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Are you creating a server or going to someone elses?


....If your create your own and don't see em .. can't help ya.


...If you go to someone elses server ...then they might not have the skin or they are running a PURE SERVER

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thanks for the quick response


I have tried what you said and your correct, when I create my own server I can select all new skins, and when I join someone elses server I can not select them and then they might not have him ok then I have no problem thanks again see you..

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