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bot routes:


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I've seen alot of posts reguarding bot routes. Well i copied the ctf_bespin map to a new map called ctf_bespin2 edited it a little and loaded it i didnt notice and items for waypoint or anything. The bots just jumped around like maniacs. I then took the ctf_bespin.wnt file and made a copy of it as ctf_bespin2.wnt an the bots behaved normally. Now this is probably assumed. But i thought i would share the info for anyone else that was troubleshooting this problem. I guess we will just have to wait for raven to release some sort of botpath tool. Unless anyone thinks there brave enough to decode these wnt files..

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Yeah, I e-mailed Changkhan about this and he said that they will be releasing a document on how to make botroute files, but not until they start working on the second release of the tools. It looks to me like it's a load of coordianates specific to the map that bots can choose at random. I'm gonna muck about with it and see what I can find, but I think were gonna have to wait until Raven release the docs on how to do it!


Mal Brigand

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