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I need help, I really do.


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From what I've seen, you don't have to create an entity per se. Make sure you're not selecting anything, load up the entity properties menu (press 'n'), and select worldspawn. it might even already be select.


I could be wrong, but this is how i do it.

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It just doesn't work, under "Worldspawn" I've created a key called 'ambient' and given it a value of 255 but after I compile the map it's as dark as it was before and the shadows as sharp... heeelp me oh jk2radiant wizards!

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Ok, I'll give it a try.


Another question: What's up with the compile options. When I choose to do a FastVis(1/2) bsp it's completed in 2minutes and 20 seconds, which is fine. But whn I chose to do a FullVis nothing seems to happen and after a half an hour (28 minutes) it hasn't completed the build. What's up with that, should it taka so much longer to do a fullvis or is something wrong?

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