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clipping surfaces


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You can't split a brush into more then one brush, but you can get a similar effect by creating a new brush through the old brush, selecting the new brush and doinga csg subtract. However I HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO EVERYONE: NEVER USE CSG SUBTRACT. Just create a second brush.


Clipping in Radiant means, cutting pieces off of a brush. Think of 2 point clipping as cutting the brush with a saw, however all the pieces left over disappear (why it can't be used to split a brush).


To do it, select the brush, and press X. Then select cut points by clicking where you want (like drawing the line you will cut along). When you have 2 points selected, the shape will change in the grid to show you what the new brush will look like. If you are happy with it, press enter to accept. If not, press esc and try again.


- Vorax

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u can clip a brush into 2 seperate brushes without deleting one


just select the line u want to clip it on and go to selection and then clipper and then split selection


but it doesnt seem to work for just the surfaces damnit



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Originally posted by patchx

u can clip a brush into 2 seperate brushes without deleting one


just select the line u want to clip it on and go to selection and then clipper and then split selection


but it doesnt seem to work for just the surfaces damnit




Whoops, forgot about that menu option. :) Handy thing, but I never seem to use it. Anyways, not sure what you mean with surfaces though? Do you mean a single face of a brush?


- Vorax

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CSG subtract is bad because it may create uncessary braushes (negatively affecting r_speeds), it can create hidden texture faces (slows down compiles), it can cause errors within the map that don't become evident until you compile (some very serious and hard to fix), it can error itself and cause splits to surronding burshes (negatively and potentially drastically affecting r_speeds), it can...etc...etc.


It is evil and I don't know any experienced mappers that use it except for some brave souls, in very controled situations where it can not affect the map as a whole (like prefab construction) and they are always aware of the problems it can cause and prepare to repair.


There is nothing you can do with CSG subtract, that you can't do by creating and shaping your own brushes. But when you do it, you won't cause any of the problems that CSG subtract can.


So heed my warning, don't use it.


- Vorax

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