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can someone help me with my (Dlink router)


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it's a dl-704 router


I don't know how to exactly open ports on the set up page....


I found something that looks like it called special AP where I can enter a Trigger and Ports but... what's the trigger? plz help me thru the process of seting this up :p

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I use a d-link 704P for my system. To open ports, you need to go to the advanced menu, then click on virtual server. You should see a menu with these 4 boxes with info in them:


ID: Service Ports Server IP Enable


My server settings for JK2 look like this:

Virtual Server Settings


(I don't want everyone to know all the ports I have open hence the ***** everywhere)


To make sure your server ip stays the same you need to enable fixed mapping by mac address. This option is under DHCP in the basic submenu. Click on the FIXED MAPPING button. Now, there will be this in the boxes:

ID: Mac Address: Ip Address: C:


mine looks like:

Fixed Mapping settings



You use the dhcp clients scroll bar thingee to select the name of the computer you want to give a static ip to, then choose the id number, and then hit copy to.


Anyway, I hope this helps you.

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lol o jeez...


now it says it can't update it (i got the firmware upgrade but now)


it says "incorect upgrade file" waaaaaah!

then "upgrade abnormal terminate and please run ReRun the program to reupgrade" thats woot it says! wahhh

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