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Multiple Ded. Servers Launching ?


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Great forum all.


I have a question regarding launching multiple instances of jk2ded.exe. I have a pretty beefy server box and I'd like to launch a couple different server instances with different config files. Lets say I want one psswd protected server and one public server. Seems like the file jk2mpconfig.cfg gets populated when the first server instance is launched. When the second server instance is launched, settings such as g_needpass don't get loaded specifically for the second instance (even though they're in the public instances .cfg file). Looks like the g_needpass setting is grabbed from the jk2mpconfig.cfg file.

Is there a way to do this? Can you specify a parameter in the cmd line for the executable to not parse the jk2mpconfig.cfg file?


Another side note that's probably been asked before, but I can't search.......what's the difference between "set" and "seta" in a config file?


Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Good question man.. on the multiple server deal.. I just tried it with my little launcher prog and it worked ok.


All I did was set the options and launched, waited for that one to come up, rerun the launcher and chaged the port, set the options and launched.. waited a few mins and found em both in The Eye



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