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Server problem with JKII

Taz Devil

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My problem isn't specific for a dedecated server.

I have an internet connection and a local network.

When I want to start a server, JKII always starts one on my local ip, But I want to start an internet game on my internet ip.


I cant find the option in the create server menu

Is there an other way to start an internet game (not dedecated) on a specific ip?


Please help

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I'm guessing your running a dsl or cable router. You are gonna need to open ports 28070-28099 (those are just the ones I open) and the redirect those ports to your computers IP address. I put some pretty good information Here in that thread. That is for use with a Dlink router. I also have used a linksys, but to be honest, they are total garbage. Spend $50 wisely and go buy a DLINK

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