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Mara Jade?


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Originally posted by CupO'Coffee

since this is some kind of a spoiler (lol, pretty cheap spoiler if at all), i'll put it into spoiler tags.

here we go:

no, neither kyle, nor jan, nor any other person mentions sh!t about mara. also, she doesn't appear at all


Bleh, that sucks....I thought she was pretty good with that purple saber and all. =) Oh well, maybe if they ever have an expansion pack they'll add her. :)


She should been atleast mentioned in the game since she did save Kyle's butt from the Dark side. =(



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it would be a nice move to implement her into an expansion (appears in jk1 addon - appears in jk2 addon), if any addon will be made at all, because i've read that neither raven, nor LEC have plans for an expansion at the present time.

i agree it would've been at least a nice gesture to mention her. kyle said once: "you know i don't like this force buisness anymore". instead, he could've said: "you know i don't like this force buisness *talking to himself* since i fell to the dark side and mara had to save my butt"

but i think she wasn't mentioned because raven developed the game and the raven guys don't have such a "emotional connection" to mara (since mara appeared in MotS, a LEC game, the LEC guys sure have a stronger connection to the character).

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