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bowing(how to?)


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maybe i missed someone telling me how to bow, maybe not.

searched for 2 hours 2day trying to find out how to bow, HOW DO YOU BOW??

thx in advance community


and a sweet MOD idea would be kung-fu - like the new film 'the one' with jet li in, or crouching tiger(best film ever)

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Originally posted by Saberwolf

Why does the fact that there's no "special" animation for it make it suck? I've always considered it to be pretty cool. It's sort of an informal "code of honor" among saberists.

i agree totaly, the fact that it is informal makes it cool. that way, it becomes something for insiders. also, that way your opponent knows that you're no total noob and that you know the code (no killing during bow, no killing if the opponent stands still with his saber unlit)

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the animation that PerfectSky is talking about is in my mod. check the threads. it is really cool. i put it in there just for the people who like to do it. however, i also put an animation of laughing and pointing for those who are strongly against bowing. i had to make it fair :) let me add that at this point, it's for SP only. MP will come later.



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To the guy who started the thread:


The One is not a kung-fu film, but a matrix rip-off. If you liked it, there's much better to come. Watch more Hong Kong films, you won't regret it :)


You're right about CTHD though - it is great.


I do agree about making a kung-fu mod - like the one for Max Payne, but with swordplay as well as unarmed combat.


About bowing - it always looks more pronounced when other people do it than when you do it yourself. I think it's the perspective.

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