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Something MUST be wrong!


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When I do a Fastvis(1/2), whatever that means, it compiles in 2 minutes and 28 seconds. This time I chose to do a Fullvis and t0 this time (1 hour and 30 minutes later) it hasn't finished. Is it really supposed to take this long or is something wrong?


I really don't want to abort after such a long time, but I don't wanna sit here like a moronic moron for god knows how long.

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It isn't that big. It has 608 brushes and 44 entities in it, and besides I'm sitting on a 1.7GHz P4 with 512Meg memory. So it REALLY makes no goddamn sence.


It just finished, it took 1 hour and 42 minutes... it's mad I tell you, mad!

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I just wait til my PC stops chuging (you know, working).

When I click the X on the DOS window after the working is finished, it usually comes up with a fairly long list of things it compiled.


If there's no list, the BSP hasn't saved.


But you're very right , they should SHOW YOU the current progress of it's compiling proceedure. You DO sit there like an idiot, endlessly wondering when it's finished.


Why don't they show you?



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well from what i hear if you have 2 brushesa that go through each other thats not good .


A map that is dirty is full of brushes going through each other. A clean map has brushes that touch but not going through.granted some objects are made with manybrushes.The cleaner your mapp. the faster is compiles.try cleaning your map.


somthnh like that.



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Rancid is correct. Another thing that can mess with your vis time is having wall brushes that don't extend to the ceiling/floors. This causes the vis program to have to calculate angles from places it isn't necessary and can cause long vis times. In general, really long vis times are an indication of design flaws in your map. Don't get discouraged just keep tweaking it and you'll end up with a nice clean map.

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Someone told me what the problem was, every single brush (as in every pillar, arch, step) was a structual brush. So I simply changed the brushes that should be changed into detail brushes, and guess what. Yeah the compile did go a bit faster... it took 17 minutes.

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