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My modding suggestions

C4 Radical

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Hi Everyone!


I'd just like to make my contribution to the editing community in the form of suggestions. I'd like to to know that I'm not an veteran editor like some people around, in fact I don't know the slightest thing about using some of the complicated modding tools around. I realise that some of these suggestions simply might be possible but I thought it would be worthwhile to mention them anyway:


- A Darth Maul style double-bladed lightsaber. I've seen a cheat for this but I tried it and it doesn't have the right 'feel'. Somebody might have done this but I don't know about it.

I've seen loads of people asking for this so I'm sure that the community would appreciate it


- The ability to spin the lightaber in above your hand (as a taunt). In the single player game the reborn sometimes turn off their lightsaber and spin it around using the force just above their open palm. If this could be done then it would really add to the atmosphere of the game


- Ability to pull your lightsaber off the ground and towards you if you drop it. I've seen this done by all of the Jedi enemies in the single player and I think that its really stupid that you can't. This is another thing that would really improve the atmosphere of the game


- A single player version of the final battle scene in Episode I: The Phantom Menace between Maul, Qui Gon (hope I spelt that right) and Obi Wan. This was done very poorly in the Phantom Menace game (apologies to the devoted fans, lol) and if implemented in the JKII game it would provide an exciting experience.


Well that's all my suggestions, I hope that modders might be inpired by these ideas. I very sorry if these ideas have been posted before.:p

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The 'spinning lightsaber in hand' taunt can be done in singleplayer by binding taunt to a key just as you would in multiplayer.

Also, if you drop your saber, you *can* pull it to you with the force, just hover your crosshair over it and left click (as long as you aren't too far away from it).

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