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CTF Map - my first attempt


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This is my first attempt at a level (ie my first attempt at anything other than a simple room), I've nearly finished the blue base, and i'm going to duplicate it and relight it for the red. Release date will depend strongly on whether I am compelled to figure out how to do bot paths.







If the pictures don't show, try again later, there server they're on goes down occasionally (twice in the last week).


This thread at Massassi (Click Here to view thread ) has more screenshots so you can see how the level has progressed over the past couple of days


Comments/Suggestions :)

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man u havea real talent for maping, and if u wnat, i can beta test it for u :p.... abd if u do relase it, make a ffa, duel, and all the rest of the modes version as well, not changing the map, just adding spawns or what ever.. it woudl be fun to play in a hugee map like that on ffa or somehting...:D

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