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Need help. Not much, but enough


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Checked this skinning section out, and felt that you didn't have enough people asking about skinning, so I decided to ask something myself :D


I've followed the tutorial step-by-step, but the skin still doesn't work.


What I'm most unsure about is the renaming in the model_default_<skinname>.skin file.


The tutorial explains that part in a bit of confusing way.


What I've done so far, is that I've taken the Jedi model, and changed his face a bit. Now I just want to see what it looks like in-game.

What I want to know now is; what should I rename in the model_default_<skinname>.skin file, if all I changed is the head, face and eyes?


(I might as well ask, what are those "off" thingys? I mean, for example; the Jedi model has two different lines with mouth_eyes.


head_eyes_mouth,models/players/jedi/mouth_eyes.tga, and



What's the difference?)


All kind of help appreciated.

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